AU Oneshot (4/4) "Saying I Love You."

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"They said that?"

"Apparently.." I shake my head and sigh. "I knew kids could be vicious but even at this age? They are not much older than five, I can't believe they'd tear each other apart like that."

Hizashi shrugged. "Kids are pretty vicious. They learn that type of behavior from their parents." Nemuri let out a hum of agreement. I only shook my head in response. He cleared his throat, "But.. just tell (Y/N) to point the brat out, I'll teach em a lesson!"

Nemuri glared and smacked him on his shoulder. "You can't do that, that will not only be child abuse, but that would also be assault and battery. You could get kicked out of college, you know." Hizashi scowled and shrugged.

"Whoever messes with (Y/N) messes with me, too!"

"No, when I pick her up today, I'll talk to Nagomi."


I left a little earlier today with the permission of my boss. I was planning on getting to the daycare earlier so I could talk to Nagomi. Why didn't he tell me that the other kids pick on (Y/N)?

It frustrates me because when you're dropping your kid off at a place that is meant to keep them safe, you expect them to keep your kid safe. Whether it's from the kids or some major threat. Not all villains come from the outside.


When I arrived, I spotted Nagomi standing near the front gates. He turned to look at me, "Sir.. you're early today... I'm sure (Y/N) will love this surprise." He greeted with a kind smile. I scowled in reply and he noticed I wasn't happy. He cleared his throat and shuffled backwards a bit. "Is... is everything okay, sir?.."

"Yeah, everything's fine. Except, last night, my kid told me a very interesting story. It consisted of a little girl and three misbehaving brats. So, I would like to know whether or not this story is true."

Nagomi tilted his head. "So.. (Y/N) and.. three... brats?.."

"Yeah. Any idea who they may be?"

"Um... hmm..." Nagomi furrowed his eyebrows in thought. "Well... I've noticed that she's been quite distant from Katsuki and his friends.. though, she is distant from everyone."

I shook my head. "Where is she? I'm not sure if I want her here anymore."

Nagomi inhaled softly and turned to call (Y/N). "(Y/N) A!" He called out. A head popped up out of a bush. I cracked a smirk as I watched her struggle to get out of the bush and trot over to us. She looked up at me with big, watery eyes.

"You're earwly.."

I reach down and pick her up. "Of course. I couldn't just let you sit around in a bush." I say, picking a loose branch off her head. She smiled widely and pecked my cheek, then laid her head on my shoulder.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing... it's just my way of swaying I wuv you."

At that moment, I remembered why I hold her so tight. Why I run around chasing her until I'm out of breath. Why I let her stay up late and tell her stories... Why I took on the responsibility of raising a child. It's because...


It's my way of saying I love you.


Last part of this series :D

like I said, lemme know if you want more like heartfelt oneshot series like these.-w-

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