[Request] Dadzawa x stressed! upset! reader (2 combined shorts)

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Requested by chherrybombb
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I wasn't really sure how to incorporate the migraine thingy into the oneshot so I kinda just briefly mentioned it-- As I always say, I can & will rewrite this of you don't like it :]

Reader is a teenager, 15-16

T/L/N = teacher's last name


"'Don't forget to do your homework'" You mock, tossing your bookbag across the room. "I wouldn't forget if you didn't assign so much!" You kick off your slippers and plop down face first onto your bed. "I hate this!"

Eventually you sit up and sniffle. "Studying at UA was a mistake. Or maybe choosing general studies was a mistake." You let out a sigh and get up to grab your bookbag and start on your homework.


"I'm home," Aizawa called out as he closed the door behind him. The apartment was quiet. Too quiet in his opinion. "I brought food." He said as he placed it on the entryway table and started to take off his shoes.

He slipped on his slippers and walked further into the room, heading towards your doorway. He knocked and said, "I brought home your favorite."

"I'm not hungry."

This made him raise his eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? You're always hungry."

"I said I'm not hungry!"

Aizawa flinched (evah so slightly) at your harsh tone. "..... Alright. I'll put yours in the refrigerator then.."


You buried your face in the palms of your hands and let out a frustrated scream. "This is hopeless! Piles among piles of garbage that I don't even understand! How does T/L/N expect us to learn anything when the only thing she does is sit there crying about incomplete homework?! She doesn't teach us shit!" You yell as you throw your book at the wall.

"She puts some fucking books in front of us and expects us to understand and learn everything! With no help! Who the hell hired her?! Who's bright idea was it to bring in an emotionally unstable middle aged woman?! No wonder her husband divorced her! I'd divorce her too! I'd take everything she has! I'd --"

The door opens.

"Y/N, do you need to talk about something?"

"No! I don't!"

"I think you do. Come on."

"I don't want to. I have to get this bullshi-" You stop yourself and inhale. "Fine."


"And it's just so stressful! She doesn't care if we're stressed either! Everyday I see more and more of my classmates missing because they dropped out. I don't want to drop out, I like spending my lunches with you and I don't want to be known as someone who gives up when things get hard." You say, staring down at your hands. "And I.. want to make you proud by graduating from a good highschool. I feel like I made the wrong decision, if I drop out you'll be disappointed and if I get pushed back a year you'll be disappointed.. it's a lose-lose. You're my only parent who cares about me. I want to make you proud but it's hard.."

Aizawa placed his hand on your head. "You're goofy. Stressing yourself out doesn't make me proud, it makes me concerned. You don't have to push yourself so hard to make me proud, just seeing you grow in maturity and strengthening your quirk is enough to make me proud." He gives you a half grin. "And you know, if you ever decided to switch courses, I'd be happy to make an exception in my class for you."

(Discontinued) BNHA X Aizawa Shota's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now