(read notes) Paranoid! Reader x dadzawa (& slight imprisoned! overhaul)

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This is another oneshot I started writing months ago.. and never finished..

Additional notes / what to expect 🐀
• THIS IS N O T. I REPEAT NOT!!!!! A ROMANTIC ONESHOT OK I don't support that pedophilia shit. If you support it, go away. 😃 seriously. Go.
• Reader is 15 yrs & does not go to U.A.
• F/N is female, S/F/N is male. (I'll be using female pronouns for f/n and male pronouns for s.)
• idrk how to write overhaul since he doesn't have that much of a personality soooooo I'll just wing it ig

Unedited 🧣

"I can't believe the school board actually allows this type of assignment?!" F/N exclaimed as she clung onto you. "It's so scary.. what if something bad happens to me? Or you?!"

"Or s/f/n?"

She raised her eyebrow and loosened her grip on you, "Who cares? He's not that important." She said. "But-- the point is! There is no glass, bars or walls strong enough to keep me safe."

"Who were you assigned to?"

A shiver went down F/N's spine as she swallowed hard. "F-former hero killer s-s-s-"



You stopped and stared at her for a second. "Why are you so scared? They can't hurt us, and even if they did they'll get their ass beat. You know who I was assigned to?"


"The same guy whose 'allies' turned on him."


"Oh, um. What was his name again? Overnight? Overall? Over... Oh, Overhaul."



"Good luck with that."

"Won't need it, he has no arms. What harm can be done? He can only run his mouth." You crossed the street with a smirk plastered on your face, "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me!!!"

"Y/N, look ou-"

You yelped in pain and stumbled forward, then glared back at the perpetrator. "Why'd you hit me, you piece of shit?!"

"It's what you get for leaving me behind."

"F/N dragged me away! It wasn't my fault!-"

"Yeah yeah, shut up."



"For safety reasons, you each will have two guards with you at all times. Be responsible and don't act immature. You all know the risks, so practice precautions."

You, along with the rest of your class, nod at the warden, and in groups of two you all separate with two prison guards.

Your throat tightened as you followed the guard and s/f/n down the hallway. You shake your head in attempts to calm yourself, but ultimately fail.

You subconsciously moved closer to S/F/N, who in return gave you a glare. "I thought you said he couldn't do anything but-"

"SHH, SHH." You clamp your hand down on his mouth as one of the guards opened the door to the entryway of the prison cell.

"This is as far as you'll get to be." He said as he went to stand near the door.

S/F/N roughly pulled your hand down. "Don't put your disgusting hand on my mouth, scaredy cat."

(Discontinued) BNHA X Aizawa Shota's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now