AU Oneshot (1/4) "Saying I Love You."

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•When Aizawa gets drunk and gets a classmate pregnant, he is stuck with the kid. (xD this sounded so mean omg. I'm not changing it tho.)



"Where is Hizashi with the diapers?"

"I don't know, you were supposed to go with him."

"Me?! And leave you alone with the baby?!"

"Why not? Is it not my child?"

"Well --"

"How do you expect it to act when you and Hizashi aren't here?"

"Not my point!"

"Well, it's mine."

"I'M BACK!" Hizashi yelled as he swung the door open, the doorknob banging against the wall. The loud bang echoed through the halls of my small apartment. I flinched when I felt the small bundle move in my arms.

"Shit. You woke it up!"

Hizashi stopped and stared at me, his sunglasses slipping down his face. "Wai..wait, you guys got it to sleep?.."

Nemuri scrunched up her nose. "Yeah, we did. Until you came barging in here, yelling like a fool!" She hissed and made her way over to me. "Give me the baby!"

I shot her a soft glare and handed her the infant. Hizashi didn't seem to care that he woke the baby, as he plopped down on the couch and placed the diapers beside him. He watched Nemuri in awe as she held the baby in a tight, protective grip.


You must wonder, how? How did I, Aizawa Shota, get into a mess like that? Well, I apparently fucked my classmate and there I was, taking care of my baby with two of the idiots I went to college with.

Who's the mother, you may ask? Well, she was a classmate. We apparently had sex while under the influence of alcohol. And where is she? I don't really know. She dropped the kid off in front of my door and disappeared. But it's been three years since then, and although taking on the role of a father at only nineteen years of age was not in my life plan; I'm happy I decided to love and cherish this kid. After (Y/N)-- that's my kid. Nemuri suggested the name -- turned one, I decided to drop out of college. Try balancing a seven-year career goal with taking care of a needy, high maintenance one-year-old. And to my surprise, so did Hizashi and Nemuri.

Their excuse seemed to be the same.

"I don't think kinky fashion design is really my thing.. Plus, I can't let you move away with my niece!"

"Classes are too long, everyone says I'm too loud, and I'm pretty sure business isn't my thing -- even if dropping out means I'm giving up owning my own library. And -- you're moving so I'll go too! I'm sure little (n/n) would appreciate it!"

...I highly doubt that.

So, anyway.... we moved into some apartments near U.A. highschool. That meant I needed a job. I decided on helping the pro-heroes out by doing small jobs. Such as scoping out crime, buying them some time by protecting the citizens when a villain is near.. things like that. And you know what? I eventually got hired as a janitor at U.A. high.




What? It paid well and I needed the money.

And as for Hizashi, he decided that he wanted to become a hero and started to study the hero course at a local college, while Nemuri tagged along. She said something about wanting to be an 18+ hero?... I mean.. whatever I guess.

And, you know, being a janitor isn't really all that bad. I had gotten used to helping out the pro-heroes, so whenever there was a fight sparking I could break it up. A lot of the students started to respect me as time went on, and a lot of the time they'd make it a habit of saying 'good morning' to me whenever they passed by me. So that was always nice.

As for my life at home, it's been quite rough. (Y/N) is four now and she's been extra clingy since I signed her up for daycare. I'd come to get her and she would not let go of me. You think being a janitor is hard? Try being a father.


Though I wouldn't have it any other way.


one comment plz and part two gets uploaded ;w;

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