[Request] Dadzawa x Lost/Kidnapped! Child! reader

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Waka waka wow wow

I plan on making a Christmas oneshot so-- enJoYyy

Requested by toto_exo2
Thanks for requesting 🌟
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This starts off OK but then ends shitty. Sorry-

Reader is 5 years old
👉F/N is friend name (first friend is female)
S/F/N is second friend name (second friend is male) 👈
Your quirk is (again) telekinesis, that you got from your mom, you inherited the eye glowy thingy from aizawa tho

Unedited 💅


"Dad!" You exclaim and waddle up to him. "Can I go with F/N and s/f/n?! They're gonna be- be playing at the big kid's park an- and I wanna play too!!"  You ask as you struggle to get on the bench.

Your dad hummed in response as he lifted you onto the bench. "Please please please please please please please please please please!!"

"Y/N, what did I tell you about that? Begging will get you nowhere." He said and gently flicked your nose. "Will there be any adults with F/N and S/F/N?"

"Yeah! They're mamas are with them." You say as you kick your feet back and forth. "Please? If the big kids start being mean I'll come back right away!!"

Aizawa sighed and reluctantly gave in. "Alright.. But don't talk to strangers and don't be careless of your surroundings."

"Hurray! You're the best dad ever!" You cheer and fling your arms around him. "I love you papa!" You say before jumping down from the bench and darting across the park to your friends.


"I dunno f/n... Those monkey bars are kinda high .."

S/F/N scowled and crossed his arms. "I told you we shouldn't have brought her. She's such a baby, we're too old to be around her, F/N!"

F/N rolled her eyes, "Seriously? You act like we're grown ups! We're only 7, dummy!" She exclaimed then turned to you and held out her hand. "Come on, Y/N! It'll be fun!!"

You gulp and hesitatingly take her hand, and she pulls you towards the steps. "Just don't look down, okay?" F/N exclaims as she climbs across them with ease.

"No, look down you big baby." S/F/N taunted and pushed past you. And again, with ease he climbed across. You grip one of the bars and gulp down the lump in your throat, then start to climb across one.

"Don't look down, Y/N!"

"Look down!"


"Do it!"


"Do it!!"


Thump!(?) (Idk what sound it makes when you fall)

F/N gasped and jumped down the steps, running up to you. "Y/N, are you okay?!"

"See, told you she couldn't do it."

"Because you wouldn't shut up!"

"You were the one..."

The arguing started to fade as you stare off into space. You sniffled a little bit and start to blink back the tears forming. I wanna go home. You thought and pushed yourself up.

(Discontinued) BNHA X Aizawa Shota's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now