25. You're More Of A Klutz Than My Uncle

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My body trembled as I felt Flynn's fingers burning my skin as he traced around my abs. His glorified muscles were soon being touched all over by my own hands and his lips were soon moulded with mine.

It's been like this for the past few days since mum gave me the punishment. Flynn had been ever so kind to allow me to come over nearly every day just for pleasure and damn, did he deliver it.

He didn't seem to mind that I was just 'using' him for pleasure, he's accustomed to it after all, being a sex machine. Usually, he'd get phone calls from random men and women but today, and all the other times I had been with him, he left his phone on silent.

Jace was far back in my mind, brushed off to the side. To think I actually loved him was beyond me. I'm too young to be thinking about love. Like, what is love? It's a crazy concept that I cannot fathom even if I had tried. Growing up is weird, I don't want to grow up but I can't help but think about what great things would happen in the future for me. I could become an uncle, who knows?

Anyway, back to the former thought process, Jace had that Lori girl after all, if he liked anyone, it was most definitely be her. I mean, she's undoubtedly beautiful with wavy red hair and a smile that could practially make you melt at the knees. It's crossed my mind multitudinous times that Jace could possibly be dating her. He's not the kind of person to spew out everything about him like me. I'm an open book and he's just closed in.

But right now, all I could think about was Flynn. Handsome Flynn. The same Flynn who was right now kissing down my torso and getting even lower.


I held Jace in an embrace as we met for the first time in donkey's years. Okay, perhaps not years but it sure felt like it. It was Wednesday and that meant I only had about a week left until I can see Jace outside school and it also meant my laundry punishment was nearly over- thank the lord. Hauling baskets of clothes and hanging them up on the washing line was definitely not the highlight of my life.

Laundry punishment had been interesting; mum usually checks the pockets of all our clothes before they go in the wash and now that it was my job, I've come to suspect something is a little dodgy with Naomi.

And before you ask, yes, we do wash her clothes because she's here so often and she gets on well with my mum.

Last Sunday, I found some condoms in Naomi's pockets and you're probably thinking 'so what?' But here's the interesting part, they weren't the ones that Liam prefers- they weren't even his size.

Ok, now I sound like a creep.

I knew Liam's condom preferences because where else could I have gotten condoms from last minute before I lost my virginity to a girl named Claire a few months ago?

No, I'm not a mug so I know that something's up with Naomi that she isn't telling us. It's made question her faithfulness- she could be cheating on Liam for all I know. I could only begin to wonder why she would want to cheat on him, even after he's given her the stupid bracelet. Sure, Liam could be a right dickhead sometimes but he's whipped so he wouldn't ever show that side of him to Naomi, he really only shows it to me and that's hardly ever. It's hard for me to say this but Liam is actually kind hearted and lovable; everyone likes his company and he likes everyone else's. That guy- despite his huge obsession with gummy bears - would let you have the last few pieces.

I'm not that lovable, I've been told that I am pretty gobby and maybe a tinsy bit selfish but I can't help it. Just on Monday, Calvin had asked me for my honest opinion on some girl he had been chasing after for a few weeks and well, I expertise in bluntness so my response wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear. In fact, he blanked for the whole day after that.

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