33. Dealing With The Demon (Part One)

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As we were piling into two separate cars, I sat in Molly's BMW and squirmed when she came all close to me, her boobs in my face and everything. When I realised she was hugging me, I kinda just sat there all rigid and still squirming. I didn't mind hugs but a hug from Molly is just... Icky.

"Uh, can I help you?" I asked.

"Well, when people are going through a tough time like you, they need hugs so I'm giving you one." She shrugged.

I didn't say anything because it was getting weird and awkward so instead, I opted for pressing on the button that turns on the radio. Some Ed Sheeran song started playing and Molly jumped giddily in her seat.

"This song is SO good." She practically screamed.

"Yeah, cool, I'm just going to change it now..." I was about to change the station but she slapped my hand away and gave me a death glare.

Seriously, what is it with women and glares!

Whatever it was, I don't think I wanted to receive another.

"Oh, here you go by the way." She reached in the glove compartment and put something in my hand, it was my bracelet.

"I don't want it." I sighed and started opening up the window. This stupid cursed bracelet is going to leave me forever.

I was about to throw it out the window with my amazing throwing skills from basketball when Molly poked my waist and made me squeal in surprise.

"I don't want it!" I squealed even more and tried to throw it out the window again.

"Keep it!" She told me and closed the window from her door which had all the buttons for all the windows in the car. She put it on child lock and I frowned.

"But come on!" I groaned and spun it around on my fingers.

"I'm just going to take that away from you before you accidentally-on-purpose drop it down a drain." She snatched the thing off me and put it in the small compartment on her door.

"Yeah right..." I rolled my eyes. Dammit, she found out my plan B. Time for plan C, it involves a toilet and a flush.

"Zach, stop being annoying. You'll thank me later." She muttered and then stepped hard on the brake when a car coming from her left went round a roundabout when he wasn't supposed to.

Knowing what was about to come, I shrunk in my seat and covered my ears. All I could hear was muffled noise and then Molly sticking her middle finger up at the stupid driver. I could faintly make up swear words from lip reading and the muffled words and I didn't really want to think about what she was saying.

She slapped my hand, "didn't you see what he did? Stupid fu-"

"Chill the hell out otherwise we'd have an accident okay?"



She rolled her eyes and waved off the issue and continued driving. We finally arrived at the sushi place and I could literally see that Molly was bouncing like a five year old on the inside by the massive grin plastered on her lips.

We both hopped outside the car and I could see that Molly stuffed the bracelet in the glove compartment again and locked it. She actually locked it.

I glared at her but my glare was probably really sucky compared to the ones she gives me. Mum and Dad stood by the entrance impatiently, tapping their foot and looking at their watch. Dad didn't look too happy being away from work, he was dressed smartly in a suit and tie because he didn't change his clothes after work.

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