32. Initiation

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My alarm clock shrilled to life and I groaned internally, wincing at the sunlight streaming through the windows. my hand slammed down on the snooze button and rubbed at my eyes.

It was then when I smelt booze on me, on the bed covers, the entire room just had this disgusting stench. I rolled over in my bed and cozied up in the blanket, trying to drift off into a another sleep but then my alarm clock ring just as I closed my eyes and I rolled over quickly enough to nearly get whiplash and slammed my hand down once again on the thing. A headache came along and my stomach felt like it was eating me from the inside so I curled up into a ball.

It helped ever so slightly but then the pain worsened and I felt like I was going to vomit. Lazily, I rolled myself to the edge of the bed, sneezed then sat up and rushed to the bathroom as soon as I felt something defying gravity and trying to exit out my mouth.

Then I sat on the floor, In front of the toilet and threw up whatever I had last night. The vomit didn't stop for a long time so when my mum came in the bathroom and rubbed circles on my back, the vomiting came to a halt eventually and I wiped my mouth with my hand and clutched my tummy.

"Do you remember how much you drank yesterday?" She asked while she grabbed some medicine from the medicine cabinet and filled a glass up with water.

I shook my head at her and sat limply against the bath.

"There was an entire bottle of vodka in your hand! You could've got alcohol poisoning."

Memories flashed in my head, all of last night and with shaky legs, I stood up from the floor. "There was only a quarter of the bottle left when the guy gave it to me."

"Guy? What guy?" She didn't look too happy as she handed me the medicine and the water.

"This.. Guy who found me on the ground drowning in my sorrows." I sighed, "he gave me what was left."

"You know you shouldn't take candy from strangers... This is the same thing!" She fumed. "And you're not even legal to drink yet!"

"Yeah yeah.." I swallowed down the pill, "you're making my head hurt more with the loud voice."

"What else do you remember?"

"I... I don't know, something about evil satanic spawns." My head hurt trying to think of what happened after Jace rejected me and I sneezed about three times in a row. Curse this flu.

"Ok..." She gave me a funny look before flushing the toilet for me and walking out the bathroom. "And by the way, you're much to ill to go to school today, so go back to bed."

I finished the rest of the water and brushed my teeth, trying to get the vile taste of sick and alcohol out of my mouth. I didn't know how long I had been brushing my teeth for with Jace on my mind when all the toothpaste started dribbling out of my mouth I realised that it had been far too long than usual.

"That's gross." Liam said as he walked into the bathroom all dressed for another boring day of school. He grabbed for the tub of hair gel that we shared.

I didn't answer and he carried on talking, "so, the big L word, huh?"

"Oh my god, please shut up..." I flicked some cold water on my face.

"I remember saying that to Naomi, now two years later... It wasn't even worth it."

"What?" What did he mean by 'it wasn't even worth it'?

"She's been cheating on me." Liam confessed and I heard that he was choking on his words. "For the past few months. Right under my nose!"


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