44. Ignorance Is Your (Oldest) Best Friend.

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Yeah we used to stick together,
We wrote our names in blood,
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good.

- - -

Three weeks seemed to pass in a blur, with exams coming close and prom and all this crap about who would become prom king and queen, my head was starting to resemble a spinning top.

As a member of the prom committee, I fulfilled my tasks and chose the perfect table decorations and table placements, with the help of Ben of course. One thing about him was that he was bossy as hell, and if something doesn't go his way he'd become all stroppy and brat-like. For ages, we had argued and argued over which colour bow should be present on the back of the chairs and what colour the chair covers should be.

In the end, I surrendered and let him have his way.

Jace and I were on a good level of trust once again, sure, he didn't trust me a hundred percent but it was getting close to there and I was happy about that. I would always see how weird he'd act whenever I go to a class that I have with Flynn and how awkward he'd suddenly get whenever we see him across the hallway. First, he'd freeze in his spot and then his nose would flare up, which was cute and disturbing at the same time, then he'd clench his fists, grit his teeth and finally, he'd constantly bring his finger to the edge of the frames of his glasses to bring it higher up his nose even if it wasn't falling down in the first place.

"Jace, you need to chill." I spoke quietly to him as we sauntered down the crowded corridors.

"I am chill." He grit his teeth and kept his eyes trained on Flynn who seemed to be having a good time talking to his new friends that were the guys who came to the bonfire as plus one's.

"No, you're not." I told him and clutched the straps of my rucksack in my hands.

He finally stopped trying to make a hole on Flynn's face and looked to me, bringing his skinny index finger to his glasses and gently pushing his glasses higher up his nose.

"I'm starting to regret telling you how much I liked seeing you with glasses." I chucked weakly. A ghost of a smile made itself present on his lips and he blushed, shoving his hands deep in his pockets. Long gone was his gritted teeth and clenched fists, I just have to keep distracting him until we reach my locker so he stops looking over to Flynn.

I was a couple centimetres away from my locker when Flynn suddenly approached us and leaned his back against the locker next to mine. His new friends crowded us and we exchanged fist bumps and greetings.

"Hey." Flynn said, and smirked at me.

"Fuck off." I bit and shoved the correct key into the keyhole, twisting it and pulling the locker door open with no gracefulness at all.

"Come on, we can get past thing, man, you're my oldest friend." That's it. That is it. A wave of some kind of emotion made my stomach stir and my breathing to pick up, Flynn was using my weaknesses against me, he knew our friendship was a kryptonite of mine.

I tried my best to keep a straight face and give him my full attention. "No, we can't get past this, I don't care about you anymore, Flynn. You're a mega bastard, I was just too blind to see it. I don't want to talk to you anymore, got it?"

I glanced to Jace who was glaring daggers at the bastard. "Fine, have it your way." Flynn spat and turned a 180. He walked towards the cafeteria with the rest of the guys and I finally exhaled a breath I kept in.

"Hey," Jace smiled to me and brought his hand to my shoulder, "it's going to be okay. I know losing friends is hard, but just remember how much of a dick he is. He didn't even fight very hard to get back your friendship."

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