20. Burleywood

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[A/N) heyyyy people. I'd just like you to know that I now have a pretty clear view of how the story is going to go so hopefully, there won't be things all over the place ;)



The burning desire to feel Flynn's lips on mine was strong- too strong for me to fathom.

Why didn't I have these feelings with Jace? Of course, I had thoughts about kissing him or cuddling him and all that cutesy stuff but the more sexual part of my thoughts? They were of Flynn.

It's been three days since the music room situation and no rumours of it have spread around the school yet, which is surprising really considering it was Benjamin and the mysterious little girl who knew.

It's been two days since Flynn came out to his parents who took it surprisingly well, especially his dad who still scares me shitless. Of course, like Molly's parents, they asked if he was sure that he was bisexual but of course he was.

Today was going to be one hell of a day, there was a Torvux meeting as well as a meeting for the prom committee. It's kind of ridiculous of them to plan the prom four months in advance. It was only coming to end of March.

I felt like it was dire to talk to Ben, I needed to warn him what would happen if he leaked my biggest secret but then again, would talking to him make him pissed off enough to leak it? Sure, I'd have warned him but what is done is done and I'm not one to take revenge. Plus, there's not much I could offer to warn him with other than getting him beaten up.

But wait, would the Torvux beat him up for me if they found out that I was gay? Oh damn, I didn't think this though. Would they kick Liam, Flynn and I out? Would they ever have our backs? Who knows.

I feel stupid, assuming everything would go to plan- it never does for me anyways.

I thought over every single time something doesn't go to plan for me from the short walk from my locker to the classroom where the meeting would be held. There was a time when I agreed to not allow my bratty cousins take authority over me in my own home or let them sleep in my bed.

Oh and what about that other time when I told myself I'll never buy a play station because it would distract me or when I agreed at the beginning of the year that I would get better grades.

I arrived early in front of Lab 4, where our meeting would be. I wrapped my hand around the metal handle, feeling the coldness of it on my palm.

I suddenly dreaded attending this meeting and seeing the faces of all the members on Torvux and knowing I'm keeping something from them. I felt guilty, i mean, would they really have a problem with my sexuality because they're like my family and family means ohana and-

Let's not go there and reference Lilo & Stitch.

I couldn't work up enough courage to push down on the metal handle. I just... I had no strength whatsoever.

A familiar deep voice sounded behind me and I had to stop myself from grinning like an idiot.

"'Sup lil' bro?"

"Oh nothing, just contemplating life and death matters." I turned around to the culprit of the voice.

"Nice. You gonna open that door or what?"

At that, I just stood there, doing nothing but staring at the dull grey door in front of me but then Liam got frustrated and moved my hand away from the handle.

"Can't even do a simple job." He rolled his eyes and flung open the door to an empty lab room.

We both went inside and sat down at separate tables across from each other.

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