14. Quite The Birthday.

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a/n: Watch the video on the side, it's really good and even though it has nothing to do with the chapter (mainly), it will deffo spark your interest. :)


[Zach's POV]

I had a good birthday.

It was just good, not brilliant. I mean, it was going brilliantly but there were a few downsides.

Coming back home in a silent two hour journey from the football stadium was probably the worst of it, a part of me felt as though I've become more closer to Jace and we've become better friends but another part has this irk, thinking Jace no longer trusts me.

I nearly had a heart attack sauntering into the kitchen with my Arsenal shirt. Everyone (but my dear brother) stood round a cake and yelled 'Happy Birthday!' to me. It was freaking scary, let me tell you that.

I blew the candles out, thanking everyone and then we sat down in front of the television watching Neverland, one of my most favourite movies. Liam joined us but sat next to Molly, who was well away from me.

I liked small things like this; the whole family gathered round and chilling out. It felt really good and made a great almost-end to my birthday- we can't forget the cake for dessert now can we? Or the fact that my mum made my favourite meal for dinner. A very heavy meal at that.

I went up to my room after that, announcing that I felt tired.

I sat on my desk chair, clutching my hurting stomach. The heavy lunch mixed with a pretty heavy dinner was really taking a toll on me. I wondered how Jace took it I mean, that guy could eat. The milkshake itself was heavy but he had that along with mozzarella sticks and a double cheeseburger.

Just the thought of him made me feel... I don't know how I felt actually. One part of me only felt lust for him, my teeny-tiny crush was now turning into more than that. I was no longer crushing on him like a little school girl but instead, more that I've ever felt for anyone. It was way more than a crush, way more. Another part of me felt irritated that we couldn't be together- not when we're polar opposites.


Just imagine the hate we'd receive being together. The people at my school school were open minded, well

majority of the people were. It wasn't as if being gay was frowned up on here, the only thing that was frowned upon at Kingston High were the lower classes on the social hierarchy. The outcasts, Emo's, nerds and such.

People like me did not mix with people like Jace.

I was so overwhelmed with emotions that I was tearing up. Jace was messing with my head without even being here with me and I didn't know whether I liked it or not. I just needed to take a while to get my head around everything.

Tears slipped down my cheek and I reached over to turn my bedside lamp on so that it lit up a little more than half of my room.

Suddenly, sitting down on my bed felt uncomfortable. My hands trembled as did my legs, I needed to stand up, I needed to do something with my hands... I went across the room, picking up my Physics textbooks and throwing them across the room.

It felt good.

My hands went round to the back of my head and gripped my hair, doing so caused some relief for my fingers that were once again, trembling.

A set of footsteps were heard getting closer to my room and I ran to the door to lock it before they could get in. A series of knocks and yelling were heard, they echoed in my ears. Everything was way too loud right now.

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