21. Pizza Party

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(Photo; Zach) (Video; the most amazing song in the entire world).

Zace fans, behold, the awaited chapter....

Also, this chapter does break the PG-13 barrier just a bit... ;)


"To be honest," Jace cheeks went pink and he looked down at the various worksheets on the table, "it was kind of hot."

"Really?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"Well somebody needed to tell her off, she can be such a bitch sometimes, you know?" He had worked up the courage and looked up, exposing more of his rosy cheeks.

"Yeah I know, too well actually." I put my head in my hands and grumbled. What even possessed me to go out with her?

"So back to physics..." He said, changing the subject completely.

"Oh fine." I rolled my eyes, "I hate physics with a passion."

"Physics is amazing." Jace snorted.

"I know, protons are oh so sexy." I mimicked him.

For about five seconds, he tried his best to hold a poker face but when his nose flared and his lips were pursed tightly together, I knew he couldn't hold a it, even when I'm mimicking him.

He spilled out with laughter and covered his face with his hands, eventually stopping him from going into a laughing fit.

"Sh...shut up!" He said in between breaths.

So adorable.

"Continuing on..."

For the next hour, we carried on with the revision session. I kept falling into a half asleep half awake phase and its now become a habit. Weird.

"Zach!" Camellia grinned from ear to ear as she saw Jace and I making our way upstairs from the basement.

"Oh hey-" the wind was knocked out of me in an instant as Camellia's body collided with mine.

I felt like I couldn't breath and I was struggling to inhale. I could only take small, raspy breaths and to be honest, it genuinely felt like I was going to die. My vision went all blurry and I felt lightheaded but goddammit, I can't even yell at Cammie because she's just a little kid.

I saw Jace having to stifle a laugh at my suffering, gosh, what a nice person he is.

When I finally recovered, I punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and seeing him in the same position as me. I didn't punch him enough to hurt him badly or bruise him... Hopefully.

I felt something inside of me, a sense of remorse.

Was it remorse?


"You... Dick." Jace clutched his stomach and his voice was drowned out by Camellia's mad laughing fit.

"Boys, what is all that noise?" A familiar female voice shouted from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" Jace shouted back and glared at me. "You twit."

"You're a twit."

"No you are!"

"You are-"

"You're both so childish." Cammie rolled her eyes and made her way to the kitchen.

I took a glance at my watch and read that it was quarter to seven. "Damn, I need to get home, my mum is going to kill me!"

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