40. Push The Button

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Oh my god.. Chapter forty. *_*

Picture above is of Eli, portrayed by Ian Harding.

please read the authors note at the end of chapter.

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[Jace's POV]

Today marked the day that Eli was going to visit the very dysfunctional Chapman household. Mum came back from her trip abroad last night while I was asleep and I didn't see her in the morning because like every Sunday, she went to church.

I always anticipate mum's visits and I got super excited when I found out I'll be seeing her in an hour or so. With no doubt, my mother was the most amazing mum anybody could ask for. She was the light to my darkest days and the sun to my rain. You know, they say home is where the heart is and whenever I'm around mum, I feel at home.

It's not as if I don't feel the same way about dad or Camellia or my most closest relatives including my gay uncles, but it was mum who really stuck out like a sore thumb.

My dad comes a close second, that's if, he didn't get irritated with me easily whenever he goes on a binge. Recently, I felt like he's falling behind because of the secret he's kept from us. I mean, he had a relationship with my new social worker, he never told me why he drinks, he never told me why he chose to foster me out of all the other kids, he never told me if he's ever met my real parents. Who knows? It could be a possibility, I'm a sucker for cliches after all.

I've always wondered how dad accepted me so easily. Isn't the cliche story about the dad who doesn't accept his kid? When I came out to him, not even a second later he was hugging me. It was more of a millisecond later. Odd.

Enough of that nonsense however, because I had to get ready and look the least bit presentable for when Eli comes, wouldn't it be so weird? This guy has known me since I was a year old. A year old. Icould've seen this guy around town sometime in my past and I wouldn't even know that it's him.

I wonder what would happen when he and dad meet, I didn't know how long it's been exactly since dad and Eli last saw each other in person. I wonder if Eli ever knew about dad and his binges? Probably not, I've lost all memory from when it started because it's been so long.

Dad was in the kitchen, baking scones. He likes baking, and I've always liked doing it with him, it's just that he hasn't baked in a long time.

Camellia was sat at the dining table, her usually wild blonde hair tied neatly in a ponytail and a she was clad in a nice summer dress with flower patterns on it. She looked distressed and it's something I've become accompanied to. With exams rolling around, she's been stuck in her room or on the kitchen table with pages and pages of work scattered around her. She had her headphones plugged in and she was writing away like no tomorrow. I could faintly hear some overplayed pop music playing if I listened in hard enough.

"I thought you quit baking." I said bluntly. I think Zach was rubbing off on me. I'm snarky and sarcastic, sure, but never blunt.

"Nope." dad said, popping the 'p'.

"Can I help?"

"Its finished now but will you please take out a nice tray to place them on?"

I nodded curtly and went rummaging to the back of one of the kitchen cupboards to find a nice glass dish that slightly curved upwards at the edges but not too much and had faint lines on them. It kind of reminded me of a seashell.

Dad took the scones out and placed the tray on top of the hob, and then he turned the oven off and closed it. He leaned against the counter with oven gloves in his hand and just looked at me dead in the eye. God, I hate when people do that.

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