47. Clicks Together Like Clockwork

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TWO. Wow, yeah... Well I mean, I'm aiming to do two.

Anyway, onwards with the current chapter. Enjoy my lovelies...

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Prom was next week.

It was next week.

And I haven't done my promposal to Jace yet. Each time I try, I get so nervous and back out last minute. It's horrifyingly very similar to the nervousness I felt whenever I overstepped my boundaries with him, like when I asked him out and whenever did stuff.

It's like a checklist now, clammy hands? check. Ragged breathing? check. Dizziness? check. Feeling of imminent rejection? Check.

"Dude, seriously, you need to do it today." Ben ushered me. I took the phone off the speaker and held it to my ear, "everything is ready, it has been since Monday.."

"Everything but me." I sighed and took a seat on my bed. Hanging on my wardrobe door was my tux, ironed and ready to wear. It was being protected by dust with a plastic cover. My shoes were nearly put away in its box too.

"Come on, you can do it. Don't be a wimp." He tried again. I didn't answer and he continued, "We have an hour until Jace would walk in through those school doors so think quick. We can't postpone for another day. It's been four days! FOUR."

I gulped and still didn't reply, I couldn't. I was speechless. "Yeah.. Ok. Gather up the guys. I'll be there in twenty." I choked out.

I ended the call and sat on my bed for for what felt like hours. Why was I so nervous? I know Jace loves me, I know he'd be more than happy to go prom with me, so why was I feeling so damn nervous?

I've never done a promposal before, heck, I never expected to be doing one to a guy. I thought I could just fake my straightness until school was over and done with but nope, nobody knows what the future holds. It wasn't until I met Jace that he made me question everything, he gave me the confidence to come out to the school and to my own family.

I stood up off the bed and straightened out my denim shirt and jeans and started buckling up my converses. This had to be done today.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, for some reason, I felt that even though I've done absolutely everything to make my appearance drool-worthy today, it wasn't enough for Jace. I've never had self esteem issues but since I've met him, I've always been putting extra effort into my morning routine.

"You can do this."' I whispered to my reflection.

I grabbed my phone off its charger and headed out my bedroom door, meeting Liam in his room. He was in his boxers and looking through his drawers and his hair was all over the place.

"Can we leave now?" I asked. He turned around and rolled his eyes, "I need to be there before Jace."

"Yeah sure." He shrugged off and took out a a pair of black jeans from his dresser. "Give me a moment."

I sighed and hurried downstairs, grabbing my jacket but then putting it back down on the coat hook. According to the weather, it was going to be a hot day with blue skies.

I grabbed the box full of red roses from the kitchen table and smiled to myself open opening the box when I saw they were all healthy and beautiful. The won't be a point where these roses die before I get to school, right? They have to remain looking perfect and vibrant.

"Let's go." Liam said, tucking the last bit of his shirt into his jeans before grabbing his keys and spinning them around on his index finger.

I grabbed the box and then we both slid into our seats in the car after making sure the front door was shut properly. Liam revved the engine, raising the volume of the music to decibels that could most probably deafen me. He reversed out the driveway and then we were finally off.

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