26. The Name Is Not Jimmy.

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Jace's POV (this will surprise ya-- it's something I've been planning and I figured some people could relate)

I set down my keys on the mantlepiece when I got home and took of my jacket and left it on the staircase to take upstairs later on. As usual, I scurried into the living room and picked up the remote, Deal or No Deal was waiting for me.

"Jace, here, now." My father boomed from the kitchen. It's cool, I was used to it by now. He was so loud that once, our neighbours had a go at us for being obnoxious and disturbing their beauty sleep.

I groaned into the cushion before slamming the remote down and sliding open the glass door that separated the living room and the kitchen. The kitchen tiles felt cold under my feet and the room carried a stench that smelt a lot like whisky.

"Jimmy," my dad started in his usual drunken slur, I wanted to correct him but I knew I shouldn't. "Shouldn't you be a little more caring of your sister?"


"Shouldn't you be a little-"

"I heard what you said but what do you mean." I mentally face palmed myself a million and one times.

"She was home alone while you were galavanting with that boy of yours!" He all but yelled.

"She..I... Wait- she's your blooming daughter! Why do I have all the responsibilities huh?"

Nice one Jace.

Shouting at some old drunken dude.

"I work so that we can afford this house and so we can eat! What do you do?" He yelled.

I crossed my arms over my chest, my heart was racing. I so badly wanted to go and punch the wanker in the face. He wasn't always like this, he only goes on a binge maybe two or three times a month. When he's sober, he's the most friendliest, most loving person you would know but when he's drunk, he's an absolute disgrace of a father. He's just mean and for some reason, he blames everything on me. Whether it was because I'm not his biological son or because we can never relate to each other, I don't know.

The worst part? I actually believe all the accusations thrown at me.

To think I get compared to this guy because of my friendliness is beyond me. I feel insulted.

"She can't stay home alone! She's far too young, she could get kidnapped or raped and it'll be all because you care more about that boy than your own sister. Honestly Jimmy, you should've been home. It was lucky that I finished my shift early today."

Oh god, if something did happen, it'll be all my fault. Sure, Cam is like what? Thirteen? But she's naive, she's easily manipulated.

"You already know fully well about those girls that are hurting her! What they they snuck in and attacked her like the rabid animals they are?"

"Shut up! Shut up!" I wiped both my hands down my face, feeling the tears that slipped down my face.

Oh for fucks sake Jace, man the hell up, you big baby. How are you going to protect your sister when you're a wimp.

"Why are you crying now?" Dad groaned out and took a big gulp of beer.

"Just shut up." I never say shut up to him when he's sober because he'd probably flip out and there's never really a reason to say it to him anyway. "Where is she?" I yelled.

"Upstairs." He muttered.

I shot upstairs, tears streaming down my face. Camellia has been bullied for a few weeks now. I have no idea why they'd pick on her, but they do.

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