34. Dealing With The Demon (Part Two)

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Don't wanna let you down
But I am hell bound
Though this is all for you
Don't wanna hide the truth.

p.s please don't hate me after you've read this chapter. :3


I didn't know how I felt punching Flynn, I guess I felt kinda sympathetic because he's already been beaten up by Liam. Sure, the nurse said there was no damage done to any bones but still, judging by the bruises on his face and arm, he was in pain.

I guess his pain could compare to Liam's. Flynn is a horrible, horrible person for backstabbing the one person that was always there for him. I remember when me and Flynn were talking about Liam and he had told me that Liam was like a brother that he's never had.

So why would you go and screw your brother's girlfriend?

I guess when Flynn said that he likes sex too much, he really means it. Maybe he was driven by lust when he went and seduced Naomi or maybe he was so compelled when she seduced him.

I wasn't sure which was the right answer, I didn't take Naomi to be a backstabbing, conniving bitch but I also didn't expect Flynn to be the same.

After my incident with Flynn, I walked out of the room. Even when our biology teacher was barking orders at me to head to the principal's office, I didn't listen because I still had stuff to do around school before classes end and that involved a lot of printing and a lot of cello tape.

I headed back towards the principals office and saw Molly walking out with mum and dad. She ran up to me and I dragged her and pulled her towards the school's library.

The school's library was a nice place; not too shabby, not too full, not overly decorated with posters motivating students to use protection and such. I liked the school's library, nobody really went inside it though because apparently it's a 'nerd hangout' but when I come in here from time to time to get some space and the enjoyment of reading various books, I didn't see nerds, I just saw well educated students trying to get some peace of mind by reading or trying to study.

I sat down at one of the computers. The library was empty considering that everyone was in lesson; the only people in here were those with free periods, the staff and the students with learning difficulties who were studying with the learning support helpers.

I quickly logged in and plugged in the USB that I had brought with me from home and opened up the file that was an image of Jessica's face photoshopped onto a llama's body.

Don't get me wrong, llamas are awesome but they also look funny, even without the photoshopped head of a human.

Molly started snickering to herself when she saw the picture for the second time today. I had to quickly scramble this image up in the morning, before we had to leave to get sushi.

My finger clicked on the enter button and the printer came to life and began making loud noises that could be heard throughout the entire library. Page after page, it printed humiliating photoshop edits.

Molly was going to go for something evil, like throwing Jessica in a bin like they did to Kurt in Glee but I decided against it and thought of this idea, purely because it's absolutely hilarious and it would mean I wouldn't even have to lay a finger on Jessica to get revenge.

So yes, I still do want to get revenge on Jessica even thought me and Jace aren't on good terms. I keep trying to make myself believe that I was doing this just for Cammie but I knew deep down that it wasn't just for Cammie, it was for Jace too. Nobody gets to stomp on his foot and get away with it- except for me of course. I would never do such a thing though.

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