31. Whenever There's A High There's Always A Downfall

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[Zach's POV]

I sluggishly hauled myself down the road with my mind in a complete jumble. The date was not supposed to be like this! Jace was meant to accept the bracelet and confess his love to me and then we ride off into the sunset. Don't you hate it when people change your plans like that?

Tears were streaming down my face, my nose was all runny and gross and just to make it even worse, it was raining. Only a little, but raining nonetheless.

The rain, slowly but surely, pattered down faster and soon, as if it wasn't expected already, it was bucketing down.

It was like the rain symbolised how I felt right now, how the emotions grew and the deserted area I was in symbolised my loneliness. I should've kept my confession to myself, this was our first ever actual date for Christ sakes, and I had to go and ruin it completely. I wasn't sure if all the other places we've been to together were dates because neither of us asked each other out as if it was a date. Sure, we may have kissed in some of them but really, to me, this was our first official date.

I walked and walked, continuing to take right turns so I end up back where I was and didn't get lost in this area. There were weird noises around me and I felt kind of scared for my life just being outside, in the dark. Somebody could be following me, hell, I even thought that I heard noises of footsteps because that's how much I was thinking about it.

It's like when you think there's a spider on you and you start feeling things in your body because you're actually believing there are creepy crawlies on you.

I sighed, Jace and I were having so much fun, we were enjoying the date then It's had to screw it up! I had to go and offer the bracelet. You know what? I blame this all on the bracelet. Forget my confession for a moment, you could tell that Jace was taken aback when I tried giving him the stupid thing.

I surge of energy coursed through me and I stopped momentarily and brought my wrist up to my face and glared at the evil thing. I ripped it off completely, breaking the tassels on it that keep it together and then I threw it on the ground and walked away, letting it get all dirty and wet in the puddle.

Who even cares for the darn thing? Not Jace, obviously.

His name brought more tears to my eyes, my vision blurred and for a second, I saw him, standing there in front of me with open arm and a big grin on his face but it was just my imagination, it was too good to be true. Jace was long gone, he shot off and I have no idea where he is. He could be getting attacked right now and I'd never know about it.

I turned around. The design on the bracelet twinkled in the light and I contemplated going back and getting it, but I thought the better of it and left it there. It could burn in hell for all I care. My feet felt heavy, my heart ached, my head hurt and I was cold and soggy stood in the rain. Tomorrow would be a joyful day, I'd have a killer flu coming along and I'd have to see Jace.

I plopped down on the ground and rested my back on the wall, taking out my phone and sending my mum a text and telling her to come and pick me up from outside the carnival entrance. I finally took in my surroundings and saw that I was on a lively high street that had terrible lighting. In front of me was a shop that sold pleasure toys and surrounding it were plenty of pubs with a bunch of people crowding it and smoking, laughing and drinking. I could tell I wasn't exactly in the right place right now. I knew I was supposed to get up and wait outside the carnival entrance just like I had told my mum but honestly, I just wanted to sit here.

My eyes started to feel drowsy and to be honest, the concrete seemed so comfortable right about now. As a matter of fact, It seemed too comfortable. I rested my back back against the wall and watched as people walked past me, giving me odd looks. They all went in some motionless blur, I was really only paying half of my attention on them.

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