Love is you.

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Love is old.

Love is new.

Love is all.

Love is you

- The Beatles

3 weeeks later.

Damn,he is acctractive.

While I'm sitting in the backseat,I watch him rolling his cigarette,his mouth curved in a smirky smile in the process of licking softly his lips to close up the cigarette,trying to not let the filter fall over. His messy hair fly around his mervellous visage,getting his hands so nervous and his eyes wide open on me.

<Are you going to help me with this,or am I too cool to get ya?>

The sound of his voice drives me crazy and I bent down my knees trying to stop his haircut in a very short tail,making him work on that damn cigarette that he's not going to share with me.

<No> he whispers,caressing my left leg .

<What ?> I mumble,jockling walking away.

<Not gonna share> he grinds at me,with his bad-boy' smile.

<Oh dear lord,how could I ever could fall in love with you?> the words,fill out of my mouth,make this relationship seems endless.

<You have luckly for me> his hands lift me up,posing me on his lap,he smack on my butt and quickly adds <I can share my whole life with you,babe.But now this goddamn cigarette,and all the future ones> I gently kiss my back,cuddling my with gentle arms and sweet sentences.

<You always finish my packets,though.> I glare at hm in discontent.

<That's because you love me.>

<Oh,don't tell me that> slowly I stand up,reaching back my seat on the stopped car.

<Oh no,baby.Why don't you come up here again?> his eyes analize me in sore,his puppy face tells me to come back into his arms and make love to him on this old car,but I know I can't really do that,I can't be so madly in love,even if I actually am.

<No,C'mon,Zach.Drive me back home!> smacking my hands on his seat,I adjust to have some goos music on the radio.

<So,I can have cuddling?> He supplies me with honey eyes.

<Extra ones>I spell slowly with mi lips.

<God,then I should drive you home immediatly,or I'm gonna lose control>

<Go> I giggle,rolling my hands around his neck pressing one big red kiss on his jaw.


<Zach,we should get out of here> I moumble trying to get out of his loving arms,we've been relaxing and procrastinating since forever and things are getting really heated up.

<No> he pretests when I stand uo opening the old yellow curtains,New York is nice and hot in this period of the year and I really would like to go for a walk

<Can we go out for a walk?> I ask,gettin on the sheets.

<No fucking way> he screws up my mood,getting off me with rude gestures.

<I deserve a bit of air after being prisoned by you and you smocking > I mock on him.

Wrong mistake ever,he took my hips and we start doing all over again what we were doing before,he grabs my wrist and kiss it passionately,I moan loudly before caressing his hair and closing my eyes while swimming in the best of pleasure.

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