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So It began like that.

The days went very slowly and fastly too,we were great together.

We spent our time laughing,fighting and cuddling the each other.We were that kind of couple that everybody envys a bit,just like when you walk into a new shop and everybody is looking at that whole new category of things which you feel you must have,because you need it,because you've never ever seen something more amazing in your entire life.So,that was.When we loafed arounf the city we were always running hand by hand,staring the each other,hugging,kissing and running away quickly leaving the other partner almost died of laughing.

We were like that,we were always splitting our sides of laughing,eating ice creams,drinking coke and smoking rock'n'roll out of our brains.We were the each other nutrient favourite food,something we just couldn't stand to stay always in the same room staring at the each other,so It was always like one of us needed to leave,we always used to have apolagizes about it,but as soon as that one left,the other one couldn't bear to stay alone,so It was always like this climbing down the streets catching the other one's shirt,and we always know it,we always were expecting it.Something we also used to do it just for laughs. We were great,so we also were that kind of couple that everybody stares at.Some of those persons just would like to be us,the other ones hate us because thy envy us but the majority of them can't get enough of dreaming about us,becuase we're "The Notebook"'s lovers we're the lovers every director want to deal with in their movies,and for the ones who aren't going to taste this kid of love,we're the lucky ones.

1 week later:

I wake up in the death of night,I'm wering my pink bra and a pair of shorts,I'm lying on Zachary's bed trying to probe the other part of the lavander sheet,but Zach isn't there,I quickly stand up and I open the windown letting the fresh air caress my back giving me gooseflesh,I walk calmly and confusly,guess I'm still sleeping,I go into the kitchen and I drink a bit of water,then I hear some noise coming from the basement and I realize Zachary's painting.He always do that,in the middle of the night he wakes up to paint.

I climb down the stairs and there he is.I can see his rough gestures and his hands which grab the paint brush gently but also violently,this part of him scares me.It is a part of him which I'll never really know,we're like this we've got our demons and we love them even if they make us suffer,but I know I won't never be deeply in his feelings.

He stops painting and the gesture dies in his paint brush.

-Did I wake you up?- He says kindly without watching me

-No,the room was so hot,and the bed so empty without you,hon- I say walking around him.

-I'm painting- he stares at me with his deep green eyes.

-I know,lovie,who's that girl?- I ask.

He's wering an old torn T-shirt dirty because of the paint,and he's torn jeans too.

I wrap my arm around his neck and I watch at the painting,another dark subject.

-It's me,isn't it?- I ask again

-Yes,sweetie but I couldn't drown all your beauty- he's caressing my cheeck now.

-You did,but  look so sad- I answer.

-I wanna make you happy-

-I wanna you to make me happy too- I sit down his knees and I look to his beautiful eyes

Gosh,I've got a fervent passion for this man.

I kiss him roughtly and forcly leaving the passion out of the room,he's here now and I'm with him.Ther's no place I'd rather be,now.It's wrote in the stars we're supposed to be here,close,kissing and hugging.It's oour freedom land,and if this is the sin,then I guess I'm a sinful.

- - - -

I'm turly sorry,I've been having lots of problems with Wattpad and I've been writing this chapter all over again so many times! Finally I've wrote it here and I hope it gets successfully published!See ya next time ( which will be very very soon I promise! ) XOXOXOXO.

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