Laughter Lines.

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July is coming to an end,which makes me pretty sad while I'm walking throught New York City's streets.It's 11:00 a.m and I'm coming over to Zachary,the streets are wide and weirdly empty,Zachary lives near a huge park full of trees and now there are so many flowers in it,I love to go to Zachary even because it's the only opportunity we have if we want to stay together I could never let him visit my place down in the Bronx.

When I'm in front of the bell ring,he comes out of the door and he wraps his arms around my hips and he lift me up gently kissing my lips.

<Good Morning sweetheart > he says baffling wearing his black sunglasses

<'Morning> I say back

<So,I was thinking- he says while he shut the door in front of us - why don't you take me to your place ? > He doesn't stare my but I can feel the anxiety coming up throught his tone of voice,he afraid of my answer besides I don't know what to answer,I want him to stay at my place,I want him to meet my friends and watching me while I sing in the bars but I'm too afraid-.

Zachary is amazing but I don't really and completly know him,I want to share things with him but what if he gets scares and he goes away?What if he doesn't like it and I get hurt?

I guess they're obsacles and doubts I have to face,so I exhale deeply and I open my eyes and with the sweetest voice I say:

<Of course,I'd love you to come .>

<Great! > for a moment I know he was scared but know he's relieved.

So,he takes my hand and we walk together trhought the streets which are suddnly crowded and the life of the city is spreading all over the houses,I'm scared yes,but I'm in love too.

When we arrive at my place I can feel Zachary's gasping

<D-do you live here?> he says.

<Yes,It's not a villa or a castle but I love it> I answer feeling a bit offended by his increduled tone.

< Well,I love it > he says getting closer to the house,well it isn't a real house .

It's a tend in the middle of a camper's parking,I know it's not much but I really love it,I created it all by myself when I've been evicted from my old real house,which was forsaken too but at least it was more like an house.

<Did you always lived here? > he asks checking the tend and staring at on big white camper in front of it.

<No,before I lived in a house but I've been evicted> I answer flipping my hair with my right hand and wearing my chipped black&white old sunglasses.I lean my back on a tree and I wait until Zach finishes his checking .

<And couldn't you fine another house?> he asks again

<Well,I sing for a living and before I sang for an house too,I didn't have to pay for a rent,that's way I've been kicked out with no possibility to answer back,I guess. > I don't like to claim all these details especially because they're really private things.

<Well,Lana I'm sorry for this > he come out of the tend and puts his arms around me laying his head aboce my shoulder,I calm down a bit and say:

<Don't worry,I'm fine,I don't live much here by the way > I smile and I can hear his laughter lines because we both know that I pratically live at Zach's.

<I never heard you sing > he says watching me while the wind ruffles my hair and he tries to put a lock of mine back to its place under my ear.

<That's not true! > I yell a bit moving my body away from the tree.

He catch my hand and put me in front of him .

<I mean,I never heard you sing on stage >

<Not that big deal >


<Zachary > he watches me surly .

<C'mon,Lana I want to know about you,I want to be part of you life > his grip gets decisive and he says < Lana,please >

<I never said this > I put his hand off of my arm and I watch he surly too

<What?> he asks trying to follow me fastly while I'm walking down the street

<You and I,and all of this > I broaden my arms and hands drowing a big circle in the air theatrichally

<You mean that stupid thing about a summertime story?> he bursts into laughter and I can hear his laughter lines again

<Wasn't stupid,I was serious >I say getting more far form him

<C'mon L,I just want...okay forget it,see ya tomorrow?>

<I don't..okay >

I surpasses me and he starst walking away

<Wait!You don't know how to reach NYC!>

< I don't?! I lived here too Miss Bronx Queen> he turns around are moves his hands in the sir watching me surly again.

<What?> I get petrify and I watch at him letting my hair being ruffled up by the strong wind

<I'm sorry> I say

<You better be > he turns back and keep walking down the street putting his hands in his blue jeans's pockets .It's like he's going awayf from my life I can't stand it I couldn't stand to stay away from him.Istart running and I ...


Hey There!!!!!

Like I said yesterday I would had update reeeally soon and so I did!Thank you for your 5 votes!You guys are great!Thanks againg XOXOXO.

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