Last Party.

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Enjoy the party 'cause this is our last.

Pov Lana

I wake up as if I knew bad news were coming,I had the luck to live with the bad side of life all this years long,but it stopped when Zach walked into my life...or maybe not?

The question had been pondering around my head for hours now. I just feel like everything is going to crash down.

I knew it,when I first walked into his flat,when I firt met his eyes

"You're gonna be bad for buisness,baby" I though as my lips first laid on his.

I knew it when I let him call me "Lana" a so exclusive name,just for some random girl in the death of night.

But we were never strangers,we were ment to fall for the each other,and as wrong as this is,It just couldn't be more right.I loved him for the first time ever and I know the end is coming but I won't love him less,I actually feel blessed to have been honoured with such a great chance,meeting true love.

But life is not a fairy tale,sweet babies.

And do you remember all the story lines you used to underline with you bitten pencil? Do you remeber all the movie kisses you mind shared too? Do you remeber your hopes and dreams about feeling safe once you've fallen into you prince charming's arms?Do you remember?

Of course you do.

You've been thinking about it until this very moment,you don't want to fall in love,no,no ones ever really wants to.Because even if it sounds glamourous,it scares the hell out of you tiny body.And you know you don't want to be hurt.You simply can't.

You're going to crash down into thousants of sparkling shards of glass.

You're going to die as your little heart bleeds out.

I knew it,but you see,doesn't matter how much your life sucks and how you reject love,everybody wants to be loved,everybody wants the fairy tale

and to those who deny:you're going to be in such a pain you will never be the same.

Because everyone knows,only worth living when somebody is loving you.

Pov Zach's

As she wakes up,I place ready made breakfast on her chest

<For you my love> I say while lying a fresh red rose on her open hand,careful to not cut her sweet skin.

Her eyes wide shout,look up at me whit a vicious grin on her sparkling face,life has never been so bitter.

<Thank you > she sounds calm and serene,but I know something's wrong,walking into the living room I try to hid the hand bag behind the sofa,but before I can do something else,I can hear foot steps,I quickly turn around to find nothing but the great silence I'll have to get used to.

It drives me crazy getting broken,and I know she'll crack down too but one day I know she'll be grateful.

I come back into the badroom to find a peacefull Lana smoothly resting on her own shoulder,my lips rushly find a way to her forehead.

She comes back to awakness simply smiling to me towards her tiny eyes.

<Hey >she just says

Whiter by the rain ( A Lana Del Rey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now