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That night I drifted into the most painful wept of all my life,sobs shaking my body and an unsurreal grief stabbing me from the inside.

Lied on my chest,there was a letter,the same I still keep in the last drawer,hidden under his old favourite sweater of mine.

The same letter he pulled into my coast's pocket without me realizing it .

Dear Lana,

I've been writing this over and over again through all this years,

I didn't have the courage to come and check on you,becasue I was scared.

Scared of loving you again,of seeing your eyes and break the promise I did when I told myself I would have never let you be hurt again.

That day,the car crash,I was driving,I was driving becasue I accidentally wounded you,but I never meant to hurt you,I know I hurt you previously and that's why I can't be with you.

But never think,don't you ever dare thinking,that I let you go that easly .

You were always on my mind and I loved you so much to let you have the life I could never offer you.

Please,honey,don't cry.

Finally you're showing the world who's the queen,you're singing and getting noticed for this and of course you're loving it.

I saw you smiling at your fans occasionally,and I haven't seen you smiling like that from the first time I met you.

I'll always remember that day,the best of my life,and I don't care if this hurts like hell,I'm so happy I met you and so sorry I can't be part of your life,but I have faith I'll always have a place in your heart and you in mine as well.

I love you,always did and forever will.

You're the best thing ever happened in my life,

Trust me,one day,you'll realize I was right and you'll thank me

for doing this,I'm actually saving your life.

I tried to follow you down so that I could be with you,I came here

in this shitty city with you .But I still

love you tenderly and innocently,I got you into a medical clinic care

I know you don't want to go butI know you are aware you need it .

I know I could stay,but think about it,this will haunt us forever,we have hurt the

each other in so many indescribable ways..But I loved you in a so

insane and toxic way that I couldn't even bear to look into you eyes and tell you

goodbye,I couldn't kiss you a goodbye.I just couldn't leave you,and trust me

It's difficul as hell.But we're in a point I have nothing else but this.

I have to go,dessapear from your life  to make your persona fade away for good.


You love your Tanqueray way better than me,

Because you sniff your pain more than you talk to me,and becuase I love

my heroin more than you.

For all this raving reasons,

I'll do the only thing I was sure I'd have never done.

I'm leaving you.

Baby tonight,baby tonight.

Don't tell me to stay,don't chase me.

Don't look for me,never ever again.

Let it be.

Live a healthy and reasonable life.

Be careful,always.

I will love you deadly,forever,goodybe my love.

I'll be forever on your side.





This is it!

The very final end!

I hope you liked this story and sorry if I made it too painful!

I had my ups and downs with this,but I enjoyed writing for you guys!

Thank you so the 1K readers! Love you all to death!


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