Sweet Child O'mine

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I'm standing for feet in front of him holding the golden wedding ring I found

he looks away and goes back to sleep

My voice gets louder and louder

he blurs out looking upset and sad

Damn,for  moment I also forgot he is getting divorced.I quickly put the ring away behind me and climb the bed

I whisper caressing his hair.

he suggests,but I'm not  sleepeyed at all,so I just stand there admiring the beauty of this man who got into my life so fastly and will go away that hardly .

What if I'm really getting in love with him,I said I love billions of men but this one got me,I cant help the way I feel when he is around and when he is not .

I say clearly,maybe for the first time ever.

he mocks on me turning his back into the sheets.

I admit in a rush trying to fix my stare at him,who panicks in front of me,but at the end all I see,is sadness,and drama.

he smirks

He seems like he is going to cry

Even if I'm saying it,I cannot believe it.I feel so alone and I know I cannot be with him.

tears rolling from his face while he puts and hand through his hair

I insist,I get closer and wrap ny hands around his shoulders

he tells me

Tears rolling from my eyes too,I kiss him I know we were born to die,I kiss him with all my love like I never kissed him.before,my lips are so hot like they're bleeding my pain out,our toungs are mixed up together eating us.I pull him closer and closer,I can't leave him even if I should,even if he should,we make it out for like forever staying wrapped up into each other's arms,my legs curled around his torso,our skins kissing.

I lift my stare looking at him for like one hour before slipping into a deep sleep.

3 hours after.

I wake up.

Suddnly,tubes around my face,my head pounding out of pain,and my arms covered up with needles and scarying blue straps.I have no idea where I am,I look up and can only see an old white room full of different instruments around my bed.

<Miss Grant,can you hear me> A sweet and young nurse touches my hands,staring at me with a concerned stare.

<Yes>I mumble,my voice completly harsh and rough.

<Can you tell me what your name is and what day is today?> Easy.It's an easy question,I should be able to answer without to much esitation,without wondering.And then,still,this is everything I do.I doubt about my name and I struggle to remeber what day is.

<My name is..err..Lana?- I can see the dissapointed look in the nurse's eyes even though she tries her best to hide it with a fancy smile.

<And..today is..the 22nd of July 2009.> That's all I manage to say,before feeling dizzy and dazzled. <No,both are wrong.Your name is Elizabeth Woolrigde Grant and today is the 16th June  2010> .Oh beautiful.

<What happened to me?Why am I even here?!> those two important questions finnaly pop into my mind.

Where the hell am I?!

<It's alright,you've been brought here recently by a man,he was in bad conditions too,but didn't want to stay.He didn't explain what happened to you,but it's clear you were cought into a car crash.You have suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage but fortunatly we got you in time.> She finally stops talking,her nails knocking down a brown table where she's fixing some medicines,then for the first time,she looks at me to check if I'm still alive.

<Who was him?> I tenderly ask,flashbacks of a guy holding my hands while carrying me in his arms,come back into my mind.

<We're not sure- the nurse keeps fixing the medicines' tubes before lending me two painkillers which I kindly refuse,I want to stay awake.- do you remeber having a boyfriend?> she suggests,smirking at me while putting the painkillers in the packet.

<I guess so> my voice breaks down while I can't remeber anymore.

<Elizabeth,you may have some mental block which keeps you from remeber thing clearly,we still don't know if is permanent,Dr Jay is coming to make you some analysis,are you okay with this?>

I nod saddly,still asking me what's my story.

<I remember things -I say putting my hands throught my hair- I just don't remember them plenty or know if they're true or dreams >

She nods calmly and says

<Don't worry,you'll have time to know >.

Whiter by the rain ( A Lana Del Rey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now