I noticed you.That's all.

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We drive silently home,not taling about the packing thing,maybe is a real massive surprise,maybe we're going on a vacation and enjoying the time of our lives,but something in his stare made me doubt about it,as we get out of the car I watch him fastly parking it in front of the blue main door.

he whisperes holding back my hand.

We quickly rush on the stairs and before enterning he picks me up,bridal style,and take me into the room,as I press my lips on his,he keeps his hand on mine caressing it as he puts it above my chest,he starts tickling my belly making my hair sparkle all around the pillow,where he lay me on our bed.

My laughters fill the silence, and in a matter of seconds is just him,me and the perfect sound of our love.I look up to his eyes to meet a flash of burning desire in his stare,in a blink of an eye he lifts me up,fixing me on his legs while we make out hardly leaving ourselves craving for a gasp of air.

He pulls me back on the pillows as I quickly rush on my tank top,ripping it up and smirking at the view of my red bra which doesn't last long before following the same top's faith.His lips are all above me,I unbotton his blue jeans and mine as well,for a moment our eyes meet and our hands are cupping each other's faces.His eyes never stop waving into mine and when even the last trace of clothing disappears,he intensifies the level of passion by slipping into my body and with that the rooms fills with soft lovely moans of pleasure.

3 Hours later!

Zachary's point of view

I watch her calmly resting on the sof bed mat after our making out session,her hair shattered all over the sheets as she involuntarily lays her arm off the bed's edge.

My baggy gray shirt is everything that cover her pale skin,I watch her as she softly moans under the weight of my arms pulling her into a thig hug.

The winter breeze froze her brests and shock sparkles into her eyes as it reaches her whole body.

I whisper calmly caressing her back,she shiveres slightly before plaming my face into her hands leaving a trail of kisses up and down my jawline.She knows how to drive me crazy,unfortunatly this has to come to an end.

She's been drinking too much and I suspect this is not the only thing,plus she can't be dragged down to me.And I can't let her know what happened that night,the night of the accident.


she says mischevously

I roughtly push her back,she hits the head strongly on the ground .

I call out her names,hoping to hear her standing up and slapping my arm,which doesn't happen.

Pure fear rolls down my veins when I realize a lake of blood surrounds her trim body,she doesn't move,she doesn't speak.

Oh my dear Jesus of the Lords > I quickly mumble before getting out of the bed trying to swim into that massive blood loss,my finger tips crumble as the blood approaches my skin,is red,fresh,alive pured into an almost dead body.

Baby?> her voice suddnly fills my mind as a light hope peeks out into my thoughts,her hair shattered around the cold marble while her hands slowly taking back the perception of her limbs.

I'm here,I'm so sorry,everything's gonna be alright,I promise > I manage to say pulling the tears back as I realize I did this to her,my force that to me seemed so innocent almost drag her to death.

Drugs are no good to you > she whisperes under the weight of my arms,while I slightly lift her up,careful to not hit her head another time .

What? > I ask,pure shock running trough my blood lines,she knows,I was injecting heroin into my veins while she was trying to wake me up,my arms covered under the duvet while the needle penetrated my soul.

You love your heroin,and to have fun > she sings quietly before her eyes shout down.

Babe?Babe,please stay awake,stay with me.Don't leave me,please,baby > I pray,tears watering my eyes as her skin fastly turns into a marble statue terryfingly pale and cold as hell tears streaming down my cheecks as I try to go out the room still checking for her pulse.I quickly reach the car and I lay her down the seat,stained blood all over her head.I just can't stop my fingers from trambling and my only consolation is seeing her eyelids slightly clapping down while her hand rests softly above mine.

Softly her eyes open wide shout < Honey,you ca-n't save me,You ruined me .> her words sharps into my heart as she slowly reaches to the mini cocaine packet threwing it into the spot as more blood runs from.her head,I try to make her still but before I knew a fulmineous light comes from another car hitting mine violently the last thing I remember are my bleeding arms carrying Lana's body as I beg a nurse to help me.

And that's how the beginning of the end begun.

Whiter by the rain ( A Lana Del Rey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now