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So that's how I finished here yesterday night,now I'm going around this big house whit no where to go,I look throught the windows and I can see the marvellous NYC's landscape,so if he lives here why was he down at the Bronx? I sightsee the house and I find a beautiful big kitchen it's very equipmented and the walls are white and blue with a glass table and super expensive machines.Oh,God.

Just a woman could care so much about cooking and could have need of several machines like the ones I'm watching right now.How silly me!

Why do I have always got to get into troubles?What if he's truly married and if his wife comes into the house and finds me touching her territory .I pull myself bak and I notice some recipes books,he must be married there isn't any other explanation.I go back to the bedroom and I gather my clothes from the bloody red moquette i quickly dress up and I'm ready to get out of the apartamet,I can feel hot tears burning deeply into my eyes I would like to fall down this soft and so not ment to be moquette and cry till he finds me cuddles me and bring to me some strawberry ice cream and whispers to me that everything is fine and sings to me "Oh,I've got you under my skin" But I know this is not gonna happen so I pull my tears back and save them for when I get into the night club tonight sobbing some Dry Martini .I try to focalize my position and to understan how the fuck I'm going to reach home. However I hear a noise coming from the door.I'm paralyzed I don't know what to do,what if it's her and what if she finds me ? Fastly I escape under the bed waiting,she will have to go to the bathroom,right?So when she will I'll getaway.

But when I hear footsteps tiptoeing into the room I see man's shoes stopping in front of the bed

"Elizabeth?" Damn,it is not her it's him.

"Ehm..yes?" I can't help but think how much stupid I am.

- What are you suppose to do under my bed? - His voice is not mad is humorist.

-Nothing much,just testing if you keep the floor clean here.- What the hell did I just say?!

-Well,so what do you think?- I touch the floor with my thumb and there's no dust on it.Should it be another sing which should make me understand that he is married?

-Pretty clean,I suppose.-

-C'mon,you noughty girl come here- Now he is incredibly sweet and tender his mood is very good today,I guess.

-I'm sorry I must ask you something- I said when I stand up in front of him

-Shoot- He isn't much worried about it. I gas a big cloud of air and..

-Are you bloody married?- I realise I've closed my eyes so when I open them,he is standing quietly .

-Whoa,Do you even remeber what's my name is?- He asks.

Good quesion,What's your freakin' name?.

- Tell me - He says

-But no never did-

-I did,I guess you weren't pay much attention- I feel my checks blushing all of a sudden and I can't bear his stare.

- Zachary,that's my name.-

-Sounds like a great name,Zachary-



-I'm not married by the way,or at least not anymore-

-What doest it even mean?-

-I'm going throught a divorce- He goes out the bedroom and I follow him

-I'm s-sorry,Well I just saw all those cooking machines and..-

-And You thought that I had a wife who lovew cooking- he finishes the phrase for me

-Well,Yes I guess I did-

-Okay,at leat I hope you are not going to use this like an reason to get out of this apartament,because now I'm too much into you,Lana I couldn't stand it.-

His words break my hear,did e juat say it? I cannot belive it because no one never ever say a thing like it about me,people scare me they use to get away from me!.

-If you're lying to me,if you've just said those words hoping to have another opportunity to get into a bed with me..-

-Stop it,Lana,Stopi it right there.I know we've just met but you should have understood who I am,I wouldn't never ever do this-

- Well, so what are we ?-I ask.

- A guess we are two people who are intrested to the each other and who are goinv to have breakfast togther.-

-So do you cook?-I go closer to him and wrap my arms around his back while he is mixing some eggs in a bowl adding three spoons of fresh cheese and oiling a pot

-Yes,I'm a chef - The smell of the fresh  meal goes around the whole room and the oil is squirting from the pot,now the intire house is wrapped around those amazing savoury ingredients and he opens the cupboard taking two plates and putting them on the glass table so I sit down on a pink chair and I watch him moving slowly and safly around the room.Then he fills the eggs mix into the pot and he mixes it,the he pours it into a big plate and fixes to tea spoons in it,and he puts it in front of me.

I cut the omlette and i take a piece of me into my plate,I taste it and I must say is really teasty.We eat silently and he says to me

-May I come to see you performing sometimes?- 

-I'm performing tonight you can come and watch me.-

- You told me you write your own songs,are you going to write about me ?-.

-Guess,you will find out.-

Whiter by the rain ( A Lana Del Rey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now