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I start running and I reach Zachary's hands,wrapping them around mine,he looked tried and upset

< I'm sorry,is just that... > I was trying to make me forgive because he seemes very very depressed.

Sometime I think he suffers of depression because he's very moody and he's mood changes completly out of the blue

<Zach,please say somthing to me > he closed his eyes and his head was in the direction of the gray ground.

<What do  you want me to say?!I just wanted to see a gig of yours and I find out that I'm nothing but a random guy yo you?How am I supposed to feel about this?> He sarts moving a lot walking along shuffling and careering he was very upset.

< Zach, you're making a big deal of it,It's just nothing> I really don't understand why he's so confused and anxious

< You seem like you'r rambling all over the street >

<I'm making everything for you Elizabeth,I mean it I'm making every single thing,I'm devoted and I terat you darly but..I don't deserve this > .

I wrap my arams around his neck laying my head on his neck caressing his face and holding him thigh.

<It's okay,I adore you and I'm grateful, come and watch him tonight > I say hoping it works making his anxiety go down along.

<Okay> He sighs,the we walk away like that me holding his hans on me and he holding my hand on him.

We go out of the Bronx and I can have some gasps of the New York City's air,the park are really covered with all this bloosom green vegetation and the flowers in the jars are ruffled by the wind.

<I have a surprise for you > Zach says smirking

<What surprise?> I try to make my voice sound standy but he knows I love surprises and I just can't wait to know about it, even if I'm still pretty upset about the whole thing that have just happened.

He takes my hand in his and drives me to his garage under his house's door,slowly he opens the garage's door and everything I can see is a big yellow sheet whcih covers something that looks like a car,a huge care.

He stares at me and I can see his eyes sparkling,then softly and seedly he runs next to the sheet pulling it down. What I can see now,doesn't have an objcetive which describes how much it makes me happy.It's a car a marvelous,beautiful,vintage retrò'50 car!

It is long and has got a beige bonnet whit shiny windows with oval corners,then it's red and its tiny wheels are sparking black.

Zachary is standing just next to the car smiling looking at my face.He knows how to do it.

He knows how to make a girl happy.

I run towars him and I throw myself into his arms.

His hands hold me softly but thighly,I can feel his laughter lines born on my neck's skin,I can them squeezing on me. Gosh I love this man, wathever about his flaws I'm not better than him.

<So,who wants to go for a drive ?> he says putting me on the ground while I'm still wrapping my hands around his neck

.I get my hands off of him and like a good student I raise my right hand up yelling

<Me! Me, Mr professor! > I can't help it but burst into laughter as soons as Zachary's kisses my neck softly and roughtly.

<Then,jump in! > he shouts.

We  get into his fast machine and  we cross the garage door fastly driving throught Nyc's streetsmhe drive fast making wind ruffle my hair.I wear my sunglesses and throw my hands back to the air,he laught loudly and happly till we go on Brooklyn's Bridge I shout because I'm so happy and I smile when I found an old large hat and I wear it but it flys away because of the strong wind.

Then,Zachary parks the car under some trees in a hiddend place and I can feel his hands on my face,I come along getting close to him and I kiss his check,then he hugs me and we stay in this position for about 5 minutes,I love this guy,I love him and I can't stop thinking about how lucky I am,and I stupid I've been about telling those bullshits to him before,I'm so in love that I might explode,there's too sweet-natured affection around me,my body is swinging and my mind is blowing out,he's the love of my life I can feel it.All those stupid poems about how crazy love is,do not read that crap,love is the only easy thing in this mad cruel world,loving this guy have never been so easy and ease for a girl like me,this is heaven,Oh,I'm so in love.

<I'm in love,I'm so in love with you > I say this words without realizing it,I just couldn't keep them for me,I'm happy I'm really am, but Zacahry's arms let up on me,loosening Zach's grip.He stares at me and for the first time I'm not afraid to watch him in his eyes,I expect his answer a "I love you too" back but the only thing I can hear is a whisper.

Whiter by the rain ( A Lana Del Rey FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now