The Beginners.

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Okay,let's start from the biginning of everything.I used to be a girl even if right now I just feel like I'm a shadow of her,I used to be a linght-hearted girl I was fun,young,reckless and cleaver but I think I might have lost the good road when I was 14,because I started drinking lot of alcohol and I just couldn't help myself or stop me from doing it,it made me feel stronger,outgoing and powerful even though I knew I was. destroying myself and ruining my life,but it makes you fell like if you've got a gun filled in your mouth and you can't stop feeling the epinephrine even if you perfectly know that if you press the tigger you die .So when I was seventeen I escaped from my family house and my hometown to get in New York City living in the Bronx,here is where you can find the desolation of humans being but is also where you can fine to real freedom to be.And is exactly under an old and forsaken bridge that I've been caught in trouble,I was walking on the street quietly and slowly I must say I was a bit drunk but not that much to not get anything of what was going on around me,well..As I was saying before I was walking slowly when I sat down on an old park bench and I was waiting for no one in particular when I suddnly felt thr need of standing of I spinned round seeing a man who was caming close to me.He was about 30 years old,his body was toned and trained he had got long legs that walked charmly and elegantly,his torso was just handsome and his face was sculptured and so good looking just like its owner,his eyes well,it was in the nightime I could see the brightly light blue floading into mine,his lips oh his lips were just so tender and shapely and his hair were black as midnight but sof and wavy,he came to me and I sightled

- Good evening, maiden - He said with his deep and romantic voice

- Need some help? - he continued staring at me while I was trying to show a bit of dignity

- I'm sorry sir,I think you may have need of some help - I whispered trying to fit my voice

-Why would you think it? - he domanded raising his eyebow

-Because, I've been living here since ages,so I perfectly know the area -

- But really? Well I'm glad you do,so I don't have to drive you at your parents giving them some.explanation - He was going to say me goodbye but I stopped him

-Well,that's doesn't mean you can't walk me home,right?- I wrapped my hands around his left arm and he giggled -Yeah,right ..erm ?-

-You can call me Elizabeth.-

-I can call you Lana,it suits you better that "Beth" does -He gripped my wrist and kiss my middle finger.I was in shock he was so charming

-So,Lana would you like an ice cream?- he asked

-No honey don't you worry I'm fine and anyway I don't live with my parents so you don't have to give any explanation.-

I don't know why I felt the duty to specify  that point,he twistled towards me and he said

-Don't you?May I ask you how old are you?-

-I'm nearly ninteen-

-So drawing a cocluslusion you're not a daddy's girl 'cause if you would you would live downtown or in Boston,and clearly you have to work for a living,what do you do ?- he was very very smart I have to admit it.

-Well Mr Know-It-All you're right,I am a worker girl and I use to sing in clubs when the sun goes down and I also write my songs by my own.-

-Do you play any musical instrument?-

-Yes,I do.I can play the piano and the guitar.

-You're very young,how did you learn?-

-I learnt by my own thanks to my grandpa's old out of tune classic guitar- We were walking around my house but I didn't want to tell him,because I didn't want he to go away he looked very mysterious and  detached and I wasn't sure if he was going to ask for my number or if I was going to get his.

-Very very touching,you're such a genius,aren't you?- he was saying it with humor but I didn't mind

-Okay,I know is not very meaningful but that's okay,I guess-.

-No sorry,I didn't mean to bother you,but let me tell you I'm very impressed,but Lana?-His voice was shaking and I realized that I was falling asleep on his shoulder

- Mmmh?- I moaned

-Well,Do you live on Mars?'Cause you said you live in the area but we're going to get out of it.-I couldn't do anything but smell his intense parfume.I kept sobbing on his skin

-So,I'm sorry bothering your dreams but may you tell me where is your home?- I pretended I didn't hear the question and I kept lying on him.He made me move from there and put me in front of him, -Lana,darling, you're such a gorgeous little girl - His voice was loud.

-Then,shut up and kiss me,babe.- I closed my eyes and I just heard a < Oh,Geez> and felt some soft lips resting on mine with tenderness and delicacy  I wrapped  my arms around his ribs and closed my hands on his back, he made me came closer and pushed his face on my lips then he put his hand on my neck caressing it and he put his arm around my hips kissing my cheeck.

-Take me home,tonight- I said.

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