Chapter 1

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We sat at the water edge, feet skimming the tide as it lapped gently at our feet, we stared into the sunset.

"Percy, i- I have just lost so much I need to be alone and independent for a while", as she said this a silent tear trickled down her cheek. I didn't say anything straight away I just stared into the ocean. Half of me knew she was right that after losing her brother Malcolm in Gaea's war and having so many issues with her mum she needed space. 

The other part of me however was pulsing with a silent and deep sadness, why would she do this to me... I thought we could do anything together. Finally, I look at my wise girl and hold her hand, and put on a warm smile, "Hey wise girl that's ok.... as much as I hate being away from you I understand". She looked at me sadly, though she seemed to have her mind made up, she gave my hand a squeeze, "thank you seaweed brain, thanks for understanding". With that, she stood up and walked back to her cabin.

The moment she left my smile dropped, I was heartbroken. We were supposed to always be together, work through anything together! I mean for god sake we survived Tartus, 2 wars, and countless quests! Don't get angry I thought, if you love her you have to let her go.

============================= 2 weeks later ======================================


my mum yelled from the kitchen, 


Paul had gotten a call about a week ago, from a school in Virginia called Mystic falls high. They had offered him a job, apparently, one of Paul's old friends from Duke had worked there and passed away. His name was Alaric Saltzman or something. So Despite this other guy teaching history, I think Pual felt obliged to go to teach English there. According to Pual, half the faculty is new. I wonder why?

At first, I was surprised mum even suggested I move with them, so far away from camp, but after Annabeth broke things off I knew I needed a fresh start so I agreed. So here we are a week later, we have packed and are moving tomorrow. Though good ol' thunder pants and I are on good terms right now, I straight up refused to fly to Virginia so mum and Paul are coming down in 2 days whilst I am flying down on blackjack tonight.

I walked out of my room to greet my friends. It's really weird, this apartment I have called one of my home for 17 years is empty, all the furniture left a week ago and is already at the new house. 

"Kelp Head"

yelled Thalia grace, hunter of Artemis, daughter of Zuse's, and my resident pine cone face yelled. 

"Hurry your butt out here". 

"OK Jeez! keep your emo jeans on" 

I called back. As I rounded the corner I was greeted by my 9 smiling friends. Thalia, Leo, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Annabeth, Frank, Nico, and Chiron (In wheelchair mode OBVI). 

"Hey guys" 

I waved as I entered. Above their head is a poorly painted banner reading 


I was swamped in hugs. 

"You guys know I am only like 7 hours drive or like 3 hours pegasus power away right?" 

Though I said this with some false bravado my eyes misted a bit, I mean these guys are my best friends I was totally going to miss them. 

"Bro....." Jason whined, 

"Bro" I whined back. 

" Promise you'll come and visit me at camp Jupiter soon!". 

"Excuse me!" piper, frank, and hazel all muttered at once. 

"US, Us, yes come visit US at camp Jupiter hehe....." Jason quickly corrected. 

"You know I will" I managed to get out whilst holding in a fit of laughter. 

"Totally Aquaman," said Leo, 

"come Visit camp half McBloodshizzle soon!", 

"I second that notion, "said Annabeth and Chiron, 

"though maybe without the shizzle" giggles Annabeth.

After some blue cake and cola, we were all standing on the roof of the apartment block. My backpack was over my shoulder and the blackjack was waiting and munching on some deserved doughnuts. 

"Ok, guys I do really need to go now"

 I laughed. 


 They all said in unison, 


Exclaimed Chiron,

 "Annabeth would you do the honours". 

Annabeth nodded and pulled a brown leather-bound book from the back of Chiron's wheelchair. "A dairy so you can document your last year of school!"

 she kissed me on the cheek and moved back to stand with the others. 

"Awwww! thanks, guys!" I loved my friends.

I jumped on to blackjack,

"HEYYYYY BOSS! ready to go?", "Don't call me, oh you know what I give up, let's go, buddy".

With that we took off, I waved to my friends as they got smaller and smaller on the roof as we flew higher and higher. I clutched my diary near and got ready for my new simple god, trouble, and problem-free life in Mystic Falls...

Hey, What did we think? This is going to be the average length of a chapter about 800-1000 words. What do guys think will happen next? Also just to let all you extreme PERCABETH shippers! this is not a story for ya! sorry. See you next chapter..... xxx

A/N: Lol like 5 years later edit, the first couple of chapters are a bit dicey but In about chapter 5 picked the story back up again with the new found ability to write properly and most of the chapters are about 4000 words long enjoy:#

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