Chapter 4

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POV Percy Jackson

Hey! I'm not a picky guy food is food, BUT PANDORA'S PANTIES the mystic grill could make a burger. I quickly remembered my burger and I was not alone.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt the burgermance", the comment wasn't critical or rude, more of a cute tease. Elena giggled into her milkshake. 

"Sorry! I've lived in less than ideal conditions in my life, so I can always respect a great burger", I realised my mistake a second too late, her eyes flicked to mine their hazel hue searching my face. 

The comment was true, during quests and hiding from monsters I had slept ruff and eaten food from were ever I could get. I think the thing that shocked her was the flippant nature in which I said it.  That was just me though, questing and doing whatever I could to survive was just my life. 

"Hahaha, oh gods not like that!" 

My tone was a bit squeaker than I intended. 

"I go camping a lot so a lot of nasty camp rations!" 

Yep totally covered it she would never see through my excuse, Percy you are one smart man.

She swallowed her milkshake a smile on her face nodding but a sceptical confusion in her eyes. She knew I knew, we both know I had just lied. 

"So Percy excited for school? Seems like a strange idea to transfer to a different school in your last year?" 

Ha, yes of course Elena it was weird! Not as weird as being kidnapped by my aunt, then hunted down by several other varyingly human great cousins and then my great grandmother tried to destroy the world with her dirty face.

"My Stepdad just got a job at the high school, he's in the English department Mr Blofis" That seemed like a slightly less insane answer.

"You were a pretty chill knew kid though, I have had so much change in my life recently and starting a new school would have just pushed me over the edge." The smile she wore in this seeming casual conversation again didn't reach her eyes. There was something broken there but I wasn't going to push.

As I began to speak I casually without drawing attention to it, slipped my hand over her slightly shaking one on the table. 

"Well I'm not going to lie this is my 7 or maybe 8th school, I was a harmless soul believe me! Apparently, this opinion was not shared by most of the staff, I remember them saying something vaguely about being a troublemaker, menace etc, etc.

Once again she smiled but, this time she looked calmer "Oh so I've got myself in trouble talking to such a bad boy like you" 

A laugh escaped my mouth too, "Oh yeah", I furrowed my brow and lowered my voice slightly. "I get back from school, attempt my homework, babysit my baby sister and watch various Disney movies" At this, any remnants of sadness escaped her as she laughed. A real hearty laugh almost spilling her milkshake.

Her eyes had minutely flicked to my hand when I had covered it with mine, but now she unconsciously intertwined her fingers tighter. Like she was seeking warmth from mine.

Suddenly I shuddered, my body reverberating with a chill. I tried to hide it, Elena did a good job of pretending she didn't notice but panic crossed her features for a millisecond. 

Her skin was strange, the same feeling as when I grabbed her to get away from blonde Britsh Clarisse. Cold skin, but with some sort of dark electricity, I couldn't understand. 

Two of my cousins literally have lightning in their veins and they didn't feel like this. Some people might have judged this feeling as death-like, cold and permanent. To me it signalled something different, I had looked death in the eyes and this seemed crueller. When I saw death, I was in battle I was engaged.

This feeling was a loss of innocence, like this cold feeling took her before she was ready. I moved over to her side of the booth and clutched her hand even tighter.

We talked on and on about New York, her scarf, the insane amount of underage drinking in this town, finding Nemo and just about life.

Once she had relaxed a little she seemed genuinely happy, that moment before forgotten. I had turned away to look around the restaurant when a cold fry hit me square in the face.

"Oh yeah?", I grinned evilly, she grimaced at me in challenge. Ok if this girl wanted to start a fry fight, she was going down.

Just as war was about to be raged, us being closer than I had realised hands with fries ready to start faces intimately close. We were interrupted

"You must be Percy!" 

I looked up, sliding away from Elena. A bubbly and slightly nosey blonde girl, A slightly shy looking African American girl with deep brown curls and a brooding and sour-looking dude were standing next to our booth.

The girl had spoken and the guy was looking at me with 'I'm about to kill Percy Jackson so hard he will skip the afterlife and just end' type of expression. Hmmm? an Ex-boyfriend perhaps?

"That would be me!" I tried to inject enthusiasm but this was really frickin' awkward. 

"Sorry! Percy this is my friends Caroline, Bonnie and Stefan!" Her eyes were apologizing profusely. My Man Stefan stiffened at the word friend. Definitely and Ex.

They slipped into the booth so the five of us were sitting all together. Well.... new friends?

"So Percy, I hear your favourite colour is blue! You have a baby sister, right? Of course, by your school record you must be a bit of a trouble maker, makes sense you are a Leo! Also, New York sounds so cool, run-in with any cops? My mum a cop! Do you have a criminal record? Or maybe you have been on TV you look so familiar? 

Caroline said all of this in one breath, I don't know what stimulant this girl was on but that was worse than all of camp half-blood on speed. 

"Caroline take a breath!" The girl called Bonnie hissed. She looked at me with extreme interest. She smiled and not so accidentally brushed my hand on the table. It wasn't in a flirty way, more like she was trying to draw secrets from me. These people are weird.

Her face looked sad initially, then confused and lastly slightly happy.

Again, these people are weird.

"Hahaha" Deep breath Percy. "Yes, Yes Estel, I guess but Leo is my friend I'm Percy, New York is great, cops ha maybe, record haha dunno and tv maybe once.

Hey, only some of those were lies.

A moment of silence, "So are you guys going to the curfew party?" Stefan looked at me when he said this, but Elena, Bonnie and Caroline answered for me.

"Of course" 

A/N: Ohhhhhh hot damn! What are we thinking? Comment any ideas of theories. I hoped you enjoyed it! Until Next time Happy reading :D

Ps... Check out my other stories, 'Jonathan and Jordon kent push and pull' and 'Gotham - After'. I love writing them :)

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