Chapter 3

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A/N:  @CERISISDAWHORA and @sterekteenwolf072904 your wish is my command, you ask for more chapters I give you more! 

POV - Percy Jackson

She was...Weird. OK! I hear you give me a second. I am usually into blondes but she was stunning, but her eyes were deep, deeper than high school teens should be. I could feel the familiar hum of loss, someone who resonated with me, someone who had lost battles, and too many friends.

We sat in the class and every now and again we would catch the other staring. An unfamiliar feeling crept up my neck. Was I blushing?

Then came my favourite part of every lesson, "Mr Jackson, since I am clearly bothering you would you mind reading the quote off the board?" I nodded towards Mr smithin or Smythe, god I should have asked Paul what his name was.

He was clearly just an annoyed teacher and didn't realise that school wasn't really one of my top priorities. I was just about to talk back with on my usual harmless troublemaker remarks when I took a breath. This was supposed to be a fresh start, be a better student and make life easy for mum and paul. Going to the principal's office on day one seemed like not so great way to start. So I swallowed my pride and looked up at the board.

Rhwodn pqhje underpants oebkwefp  erhjiofho poqheihwoihrw prissy

Holy Hades I was so dyslexic! "ummmmmmmm.... Yeah" I sputtered as I scratched the back of my neck, I really didn't need this on my first day. Then came by saving grace, 

"During the war of 1810, the mass casualties of civilians in the battle of Harpersfield's created the introduction of the civilians and atrocity crimes legislation of Carolina state.", a pause Mr Smithin or whatever looked rather miffed then looked to the girl who had spoken and softened. 

"Thank you, Mr Jackson!", the whole class laughed and he continued to write on the board. I blew out a relief-filled breath and turned to miss Elena Gilbert. 

"Thanks", she smiled at that and gave me a quick nod. Full of mysteries this one little did I know the trouble I was going to get myself into

POV - Elena Gilbert

That history lesson was one of the longest of my life, all I wanted to do was stare into Percy's deep green eyes, OMG! what was I saying, at this point, I am sure I am going insane. But a small smile crept onto my face, I realised why I was so taken with this goofy raven-haired boy, he made me feel normal. The thrum of teenage girl excitement I had so forgotten over the hellish past couple of years returned. He was a normal cute boy, he wasn't 10,000 and didn't turn into a mutt every full moon. So essentially he was perfect! 

I had felt Stefan's gaze on me for the last hour, but I Ignored it, sure I was a vampire but I didn't need him walking on eggshells around me like I was some type of time bomb. I also hated the way he looked at me, he would never say it but he hated me. I was the dead, perverted version of the duey eyed girl he had fallen in love with. It's not my fault I'm like this. 

10 minutes before class need Percy handed me a note, his handwriting was messy and scrawled feverishly but I could make it out.

Can we talk?

The thrum returned. God! being asked to talk, by note, by a hot teenage boy! Again I forced myself to calm, you are Elena Gilbert for crying out loud not caroline! I cringed internally perhaps that's what the old caroline would have done, but know she's more well-adjusted than all of us. 

Though I can't stand being around her either, she and bonnie look at me the same as Stefan, a broken doll. Damon, on the other hand, was too far left, he wanted me to be his evil dark temptress of the night, sucking people dry, careless and free. When I first turned he made me feel alive. Alive sure, but also dangerous and all I wanted was normalcy. Rebekah had walked in mid was through the class, the evil Slu.... No, no I'm above that. 

As class ended all the vampires looked at me, but I just ignored them. Percy motioned for us to leave and I stood up. At the doorway, Rebekah stood in front of me blocking the door. Her familiar English drawl filled my ears, 

"oh how's Stefan, he looks terrible after losing his pretty innoce... "

"Sorry not to be rude but do you mind?"

Percy was waiting for the door, Rebekah looked confused and went to step aside to let him through, as he was leaving he grabs my hand and pulled me past too, Rebekah was too stunned to stop me. He quickly let go of my hand as we walked, I was almost sorry his honest warm hand was nice. 

"Sorry I grabbed you, I thought you needed rescuing"

 he smiled a lopsided devilish grin at me, my chest fluttered. 

"No, no, thank you! That's Rebekah shes not partially nice and let just say she thinks she's better than everyone and loves throwing her weight around."

He laughed at that

 "Believe me I get it" 

He said, then muttered something about someone called Clarisse.  We walked down the hall and out to the fresh air of the car park, I wasn't sure what to say at first but the conversation just flowed, he was funny in a cute way, and he told me he moved her with his mum, dad and baby sister from new york. He said he didn't have the best record in schools and needed a fresh start. A fresh start I related to that more than he knew. 

Though I think he sensed that in me. We were walking till he stopped at a small blue car, with odd dents on the hood. He noticed a flyer on his car and picked it up. 

"A-n-t-i-curfew p-a-r-t-y" he spelled out the words like it was difficult to read them. 

"That seems a bit dumb doesn't it, wanna go?", I was laughing at him, till I realised what he said. Again that stupid flutter rose in my chest. 

"Ah sure," I smiled not really sure what I was saying till the stupid giddy grin took over my face. "There is still a couple of hours till it starts, wanna show me around town?". 

His voice was gentle and sweet like he really did want my company. 

"Sure Jackson" I punched him gently on the arm.

 "If your hungry we could go to the local cafe, it called the Grill it's pretty iconic around here". His eyes lit up at the mention of food. He held his fist in the air and proclaimed: 

"Burgers here we come!", in spite of myself, I gigged. Despite me having only just met him, I hopped in his car and gave him directions to the Grill. Yet again just excited to be with him.

POV - Narrator\ 3rd Person

Stefan stood in the parking lot, slightly astonished. He was hoping to talk to Elena, teach her the 101 of being a vampire and maybe re-kindle what they had before. But after she ignored him all class, she left with a stranger. Stefan sensed death and power around him. He didn't trust this slightly wild black-haired boy one bit. Caroline came and stood next to him. "Hey! what ya looking at? Hey, where's Elena?" Stefan was used to caroline's energetic way of speaking but from all her questions all he could answer was. "She with a boy, Percy Jackson.".

A/n: Hey hey! I had pretty much decided to end this story like years ago when I first started writing. However after the minor success of another story of mine,  and some encouraging comments I thought hey why not! My writing style has changed a lot since I first started this story so the layout and flow of the passages may seem different! anyway, hope you enjoy it, comment with any theories or story suggestions. Check out my other story and give it a read if you are into the DC universe.

Cya and until next time happy reading ;D

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