Chapter 9

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"Though Blondy Bec's you did spend many decades of the millennia in a casket"

I mentally cursed Damon he needed to shut up so I could figure out what the hell she meant. If this is what this blade did to Damon, Elena.

"Fine I won't help, ask Nick yourself"

She helped herself to more bourbon straight from the bottle.

She perked up.

"Come on Stefan we're late for school" 

POV Elena Gilbert

I don't know whether to cry or scream. I woke up this morning still feeling pretty terrible but better. After the party Stefan had brought me Klaus and gotten me his blood but, I have been really out of it and missed school yesterday. I was getting ready when I remembered Percy.


 I must have looked like a complete mess and a terrible friend. We go to a party, having a really good time and then I up and leave looking really drunk and don't text for almost four days. 

I also realised that for once my problem wasn't anything even closely relating to the supernatural. I had boy issues.

Part of me was quietly thrilled, the other was annoyed with myself. The fresh start I had with Percy was probably ruined. It was probably for the better anyway, by even being friends with him I was involving him in a world he didn't need. Caroline, Tyler, Matt and the other 50 kids in my town who have been assaulted, drained or killed have only been so because of the entering of the supernatural into their life.

It was hard leaving the house, I had been standing at my front door with keys in my hands for ten minutes contemplating what was worse, him demanding answers or ignoring me together. What's worse than anger? Or disappointment? 

There was a knock at the door, I was so out of it I jumped about 10 feet in the air. Who could that be Jeremy was already at school? I was quickly answered by two people I really didn't need to see, especially before coffee. 

Stefan and Rebecca stood at my front door, I would have made some excuse to run to my car and get to school but something was off about how they were looking at me. 

"Oh god, what?"

I stood to the side and they both walked in, we all stood in the kitchen and I silently prayed they had come to tell me something that wouldn't ever affect me and I could ignore its existence forever! Stefan finally spoke to answer my hopes and dreams.

I was wrong. I am always wrong.

"It's Damon, he was attacked last night in the woods by something."

I felt my insides curl up, shrivel up and promptly die


Rebecca spoke up then.

"Definitely someone, someone very powerful with a sword"

Sorry what, did she just say sword? Yep ok that was a new one, large sharp sticks were more of our speed.


Was the only thing I could verbalise after that thought process. I felt Rebecca's eyes stare at me with undisguised disgust.

"She catches on quickly doesn't she"

Oh, the urge to throw my entire draw of knives and sharp forks was VERY strong. Stefan must have sensed this.

"Alright, both of you. The truth is Damon doesn't remember much of it but, he thought at first glance he was human"

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