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Dearest Dario and Julyian,

It is with great pride that I can present you with your mommy's written work. After many hours of endless researching, writing, editing and sometimes even thinking to scrap the whole idea of it altogether, here it is.

Your mom was taken too soon from us and I don't ever want you to forget the person she was during her life. Though your memories are limited, through your family you can grasp whom she was. She always smiled and was the shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen no matter how she felt inside. She loved you boys, your grandpa Dennis, your uncle Mike and your daddy immensely; you were all her world, her light. Dario and Julyian, you were both far too young to understand why Mommy had to go to Heaven; some of us grown-ups still don't understand either. The thing I do know is that people are put on this Earth for a purpose. Your mommy was put here to touch lives, be a friend, a daughter, a sister, and, most importantly, a mommy. She is still here with us, though not physically. She is that beautiful butterfly that you always see fluttering near or that whisk of air that brushes your cheek as you sleep. Trust me, it is her.

Your mom was one of the greatest friends I've ever had, much like that of a sister relationship. I still hear her laughter echo in my mind. Not a day goes by where I don't think of her time on Earth with us. One day, I'd like to share my own memories of your mother with you so you can tell your own children about their wonderful grandmother.

Boys, she is embedded within you and you both share her unforgettable smile You were her rays of sunshine even through the darkest of days. I know she is proudly watching and smiling over both of you every second of every day. You were her two greatest treasures and there was nothing she wouldn't do to see the smiles on your faces.

Through her words on these pages, may her memory live on.

With much love,

Tia” Jamie

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