Chapter 18

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It was New Year's Eve and I was going insane. I had spent the last six days cut off from the world. I needed to know if I could function in society, I didn't just want to drop off the face of the earth. I heard Aunt Cindy tip toe through the house and begin fumbling around in her closet, so I decided to head on over and try to have a conversation with her. I just hoped she didn't freak out too much.

“Hey Aunt Cindy, what's up?” I walked in the room and took a seat on the bed.

“Jesus kid, you scared the shit out of me! I didn't hear you come in.” She must have jumped a mile high.

“Ha, sorry. Yeah I went all ninja style there huh?” I thought I was pretty funny, my new stealth mode. It seemed to work pretty well, I even scared dad just yesterday and he could hear a pin drop a mile away.

“This is really going to take some getting used to. How are you holding up?” She paused for a moment to give me a look over.

“Actually, I am really good. I have never felt better.”

“That's great baby. Do you have anything planned for tonight?”

“No, not really. I think I might try and go out with Gwen and William.”

“Really? Is that a good idea?” I could see the worry written on her face.

“I don't know yet, but if I do go, I'm gonna need Dr. Harris to stop by. I don't want to risk going out on an empty stomach.” I reached in my pocket for my phone. As I dialed Dr. Harris' number I saw the cringing look on her face., I couldn't blame her, if our roles were reversed, I would look at her the same way.

“Again, going take some getting used to.”

“I know right, oh wait hold on... Hey, Dr. Harris, it's me again. I was wondering if you could stop by for me. I huh, wanted to grab a bite before I tried going out tonight.”

“Not a problem. But listen, I want your father to tag along, just in case.”

“I'll be fine, I don't need a babysitter.” I huffed and rolled my eyes.

“You must understand, this is just as a precaution.”

I felt the painful sting of adolescence all over again.

“Fine, but he is staying back in the crowd.”

“That is all I am asking, Ellie. I should be there shortly.”

“Thank you Doctor.”

“Anytime Ellie.”

I closed my phone and went back to my conversation with Aunt Cindy. She held up two hideous outfits in front of me, silently asking me for an opinion. One was bright blue two piece dress with repulsive orange flowers, the other was a plain red dress with bow on the back.

“Which one would you wear?”

“Uh, I wouldn't wear either,” I scrunched my noise and stuck out my tongue.

You really don't like these?” She held the same two outfits up to me again.

“Really. If I have learned any thing since I have been here, its clothes. Here, let me look.” I stood up and waited for Aunt Cindy to move so I could get into the closet.

“I want to look nice for Phillip, I m so nervous. I really like him.” She stepped aside and handed me the disasters she had in her hand.

“He really likes you, too. Where's the party at?”

“It's at some club his sister owns. You think he really does like me?” I could see the excitement in her eyes; she was like a little girl on Christmas morning.

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