Chapter 1

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The first day of school was around again. Senior year. This was it. But, God, how I hated the morning routine. The buzz of the alarm went off at the usual 5:30 am, and instinctively, I chucked that bad boy clear across the room. My bed was warm and comfortable, and I so did not want to get out of it. Fifteen minutes later, when I heard mom yelling up the stairs, it seemed as good a time as any to roll out of bed. As much as the thought of staying in bed was appealing, I also so didn't want encounter my mother's wrath before her morning coffee.

Barely able to open my eyes, I somehow managed to make it down the hall and grabbed a towel from the linen closet before I dragged my feet into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. The shocking jolt from the water woke me right up and I scrubbed and washed and brushed my teeth quickly. When I was finished in the bathroom, I wrapped myself in my towel and went back to my room.

There was nothing about my room that I didn't like. My mom let me pick everything out, which was exciting; she gave me a little more freedom than most of my friends' parents. My walls and ceiling were a dull midnight blue, on my ceiling, I had strategically placed those little glow in the dark stars to mimic the constellations in the sky. My curtains were thick black velvet, their sole purpose was to blocked out all form of light from the outside and laid out on the hardwood floor was a large square black shag throw rug. My desk was was nestled away in the front left corner of my room with my pink laptop sitting on top and across the room in the back left corner was my dresser. On the right wall was my full size bed, with bedding that matched the walls perfectly and about a dozen of overstuffed pillows spread out across the head of the bed. It was simple, and most importantly, it was me.

I walked over to my closet as I toweled my wet hair. If I only I knew what to wear. Early September at the Jersey shore with stinging winds blowing in off the ocean front was not my favorite time of year, and December was worse. I poked and prodded in my closet for what felt like an eternity until I finally pulled out a pair of flared khakis and a hooded three-quarter sleeved pink shirt with a flaming heart on the right sleeve. After that tedious task, I stood staring at my towel-wrapped reflection in my full-length mirror hanging on the inside of my closet door. I noticed I was uncommonly plain and incredibly pale and regrettably knew I should have gotten more sun this summer. My chestnut hair, just like my mother's, was long and straight with not one ounce of volume to it, and it hung limp on my head. I her mom's eyes too; they were deep-set, lined with long lashes and a light shade of hazel green, but when the light hit them, they looked almost golden. I was plain, but still pretty and never felt a need to doll up and impress. The extent of my glorious cosmetic collection included flavored chap stick and clear nail polish.

My thoughts were interrupted when Mom started yelling up to me again.

“Elsia Rose, lets get going! You're going to be late on your first day!”

I threw on my clothes and threw my wet hair up in a ponytail before I ran down the stairs. It was already 6:20 and I couldn't find my keys. Shit. I did this just about every day. One would think by now I'd put the damn things on the hook by the door so I wouldn't have to go through this first thing in the morning and before my brain began to function properly.

“Hey mom? Have you seen my keys?" I shouted out before peeking into the kitchen.

She sat at the table and looked at me with a smart ass look. I knew what she was going to say. "I know, I know I'd lose my head blah, blah, blah. Seriously? You know, you could help me look." I grunted out loud, giving her the same look back.

"You know me all too well,” mom smiled. “Don't you want breakfast ?" she asked.

"Um, no thanks, mom. I think I'll pass today. I'm a little late." I turned to see her dangling my keys from her index finger. "Thanks, you're the best." I took the keys and leaned in to give her a kiss before I ran out the door.

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