Chapter 5

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I unpacked the bags I had brought with me in the car that contained the essentials for a few days; I figured all of my other stuff could wait until I had a full day to devote to settling in. When I made my way to the kitchen, Aunt Cindy and Gwen were there catching up.

“Elianne, honey, you are just in time. I ordered pizza. I am starving, so I am sure you are too.”

I smiled and nodded agreeably. Aunt Cindy nudged Gwen's arm.

“Hey, Elianne, you want some help unpacking? My schedule is clear for the night. I really don't mind, it will give us a chance to chat.” Gwen smiled at me and motioned for me to lead the way. I must have groaned louder than I thought, Aunt Cindy shot me a scowling look that just might as well have been daggers piercing skin. I rolled my eyes and let the sarcasm fly.

“You know what, Gwen? That would be great. Thanks.” I walked over to Aunt Cindy, gave her a hug, and whispered in her ear, “ Thank you so much, how can I ever repay you?”

“Smile.” she hissed into my ear so Gwen couldn't hear her. “ I'll call you girls when dinner gets here.”

Gwen and I went up to my room and started to unpack the first stack of boxes. It didn't take as long as I thought it would. A few of the boxes were mom's things that I couldn't bare to part with, so I neatly tucked them away in my closet. I placed my laptop and cell phone on top of the night stand and plugged them in to charge as Gwen hung my clothes on hangers and put them away, right along with my shoes. They had barely filled one wall in my six by six closet.

“You know, Elianne, I think you need to do some shopping. I am going to the mall this weekend with my friend Rachel. You should come with us.”

“What day?” It seemed like a good idea, I would get to know the area a little, so I wouldn't be completely lost.

“Saturday afternoon.”

“Sounds great. I'm just going to have to get money from my aunt.”

“No problem. And as a welcome to New Orleans present, the first outfit is on me.” Gwen smiled at me happily for a moment, then her smile faded and her face became sorrowful. “I'm sorry about your mom and everything. I can't even imagine having to go through that.”

“Thanks.” I didn't know what else to say. I was getting good at holding back my emotions. I had heard so many people tell me how sorry they were for my loss, that the words held no meaning to me anymore. It was quite for a moment. Gwen was looking around the room, and at the curtains.

“Your Aunt is great and all, but these purples wall have to go, and that flower boarder? Wow, that definitely needs to go too.”

“That is so funny. That's the same thing I thought when I first walked in here. I think I am going to give it a few days before I ask her to remodel.” We laughed about that for a minute, then Gwen reached into the last box and pulled out the white gift box.

“What's this?” She lifted the lid and pulled out the necklace that Aunt Cindy bought for me.

“Oh, that? My aunt got it for me for my birthday, I haven't even worn it yet.”

“You should, it's beautiful.” Gwen walked over to me and told me to hold up my hair. She placed the necklace around my neck and fastened it in the back just as Aunt Cindy called, “Pizza's here!"  from downstairs. It was hard to believe that only an hour had gone by.  We went down to the kitchen and I sat down at Aunt Cindy's round glass-top table. Gwen reached over and took the vase off the table and placed it on the center island in the kitchen. Aunt Cindy placed the pizza box in the center of the table and Gwen, familiar with the kitchen, grabbed three plates and a pizza cutter from the drawer. I felt so out of place, like a stranger.

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