Chapter 12

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I spent Saturday shopping around for some more clothes that I could wear to school. Not that there was anything wrong with the ones I bought last week, I just needed something a little more conservative. I stopped off at a Staples for notebooks and stuff, then headed home to do some laundry and get ready for Monday. It was a quite weekend compare to the previous; Gwen worked both days, and Rachel and Marcus were with their aunt. I had fun with them, but I enjoyed my solitude, that's just how I was.

I slept in on Sunday until one. I got up and took a shower, then went on the Internet to find directions to the school. I hadn't paid to much attention when Aunt Cindy brought me there last week. I printed them up and decided to do a test run, so I wouldn't get lost tomorrow. It was an easy drive, taking a total of twenty minutes round trip. When I got home, I made a something to eat, grabbed a soda and went back to my room to plan my outfit. I checked my phone to see if I had missed any calls, and to make sure I had it turned on, but there was nothing. I wasn't going to let myself over react again, Marcus was busy, that was why he hadn't called yet. I turned on the TV to distract myself for a while.

When I looked outside again, it was dark. I picked up my phone again and checked my display screen. Eight o'clock and still no call. It was taking a toll on me. I already had a low level of confidence, and this was only making it worse. Maybe he wasn't with his aunt, maybe he really wasjust blowing me off. I tried so hard not to think about it, besides it didn't matter, we were just friends. I went out to my balcony to have a smoke, and when I looked down towards the street, I lit up. I saw Marcus getting out of his car. I had to calm myself down before I went lunging over the railing. And just as soon as I got happy, I was quickly let down again. Right behind him was Sasha,

with a victorious smirk on her face like she had just won a life long battle.

As if Marcus could sense my presence, he called up to me. “Elianne, can you please come down here? I need to talk to you, it's important.”

“Yeah I will be right there, meet me in the back.” I didn't even stop to put shoes on, I just ran down the stairs and out the door.

“I'm sorry that I didn't call today.”

“That's OK, I know you were busy, besides I had some running around to do and I had to get ready for tomorrow.”

“Ellie, listen. I know this is going to sound bad, and please understand this is not the way I want it.”

“What's going on Marcus?” I reached for his hand but he pulled away from me.

“Marcus isn't allowed to play with you anymore. His Aunt doesn't approve. Isn't that right Marcus?” Sasha was gloating.

“What? Your aunt doesn't even know me!” I was furious.

“I told her all about you and she doesn't like the idea of an outsider with her pride and joy. It's just something you will have to live with.” Smugness seeped out of each and everyone of Sasha's pores. I wanted to tear her head off. Who the hell did she think she was interfering like that?

“Marcus, you can't be serious?” I was pleading with him.

“I am truly sorry. I can't go against her wishes.” I could hear the sadness in his voice.

“Your aunt's wishes or Sasha's?” I snapped at him, leaving a shocked expression on his face.

“I am sorry...”

“Is that all you have to say!?” I was inches away from his face.

Sasha let out a faint giggle, and I spun my head around to look at her. “ What is your problem?”

“Listen, little girl, I am not the one you want to mess with. You will get hurt.”

“We will just see about that!” I was damn near foaming at the mouth.

“You will not win.”

“I beg to differ.” I was now in front of her and Marcus was trying to pry us apart.

“Just walk away while you are still alive.” Her words echoed in my head. It was the same thing she had said to me in my dream.

“What did you just say?” I must have heard her wrong.

“You heard me, I said just walk away while you are still alive.” The shock are her words was all it took for me lose my focus, and that was exactly what Marcus needed to pull me away.

“Please stop. I don't want this.” He turned to me and looked into my eyes. I could see his pain. “Sasha, go wait in the car.”

“No. I'm staying...”

“I said go! The least you could do is give me a moment.” His voice dominated hers.

“Fine.” Sasha stormed off, but kept looking back until she was around the corner and out of sight.

“Please forgive me. I know I said that I would be your friend, that I as long as I had you in my life I was happy, but I just can't. I don't want to see you get hurt.”

“Then don't do this. I can take Sasha.”

“No, you can't. You don't know what she is capable of. I have seen it, and it is not something I want for you. It's better this way.”

“But Marcus....” He pressed his finger against my lips then kissed my forehead. I felt an icy tear trickle off his cheek. It hurt me more than knowing I couldn't see him. I didn't want him to feel pain. I reached out to put my arms around him, but he quickly pulled away and left me standing there alone in the dark.

I stood there for a moment letting things process. I heard him pull away, then I turned and sluggishly crept back to my room. This whole thing had gone horribly wrong. I had to find a way to fix it, it wasn't fair. I had finally realized that I didn't want Marcus as a friend. I wanted, no, I needed more than that. I lay down in my bed and cried myself to sleep. I tossed and turned all night, visions from the dream of Marcus with Sasha kept repeating themselves over and over. The rage building up in me, practically bowling over, but always ended the same with her lunging forward at me, going in for the kill, and me waking up screaming.

My alarm went off at five the next morning, and I didn't feel like I had slept at all. I wasn't ready for school, not with this fresh wound still bleeding. Why did I have to feel so much pain? Suffer so much loss? It wasn't fair. When was I meant to be happy? Then I thought about Marcus, I began to smile, briefly, but soon the tears started and I couldn't make them stop. I cried the whole time I was in the shower and getting dressed. I went to the balcony for some air, only to light a cigarette, completely defeating the purse of fresh air all together. I finally put myself back together when I saw Gwen outside yelling up at me to hurry up so we could leave. I flicked my cigarette out towards the street, picked up

my messenger bag and left for school.

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