Chapter 19

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It had been days since I last saw or heard from William. I couldn't sense him around, I couldn't hear the distinct beating of his mortal heart. I started to get a sick feeling in my stomach; he would never go a day without calling me. No matter how much I tried to reassure myself that he was alright, unspeakable thoughts flooded my mind. He could have been laying dead in a ditch somewhere I would have no idea. I pleaded with my father for his help, despite him feeling that William was an irrelevant lose end that I needed to tie up, and he agreed to help me find him.

Dad didn't even like the fact that Aunt Cindy knew, but accepted it because it was the only way, but my relationship with everyone else caused us to bump heads everyday. He felt I needed to sever ties and relocate, I felt I needed time to fully adjust and do things my way. Dr. Harris felt we should be able to find some common ground, but I didn't see any level we could call common. My father searched around for William's scent, while I tried a simpler approach; after the sun had gone down, I went to his house. I pulled up to the large two story stone front house, and got out of my car. I didn't have to get closer than the front gate to know that something was horribly wrong.

I heard a phone ring and then the rapid beating of a heart. My heightened sense of hearing had made eavesdropping ridiculously easy. It was William's mother. By now, I was able to sense and feel others emotions, a gift that I wasn't too fond of, and what I felt was unbearable. I couldn't hear the voice on the other end of the phone, but I heard her.

“Hello, Joseph...” Joseph was William's best friend from school, “No, we haven't heard anything yet. I just can't believe this is happening. I can't believe my baby is...” She started to break down, feebly attempting to suppress her tears. “ Are you sure no one has heard from him?” There was a long pause, then she continued, “If you hear anything, even the smallest thing, please, please call me.”

I heard her place the phone back on the charging base, followed by a thud. She slumped to the floor and began crying uncontrollably. Her pain shot through me like a dull jagged blade. I wanted to cry, but sadly no more tears would ever fall from my eyes. I wanted to console her, but what words that I could say would ever offer her comfort? I turned around and got back into my car, and sat there for the longest time just thinking. Would this be what my friends felt if I disappeared? Would they quickly move on, or suffer for the rest of their lives not knowing? How would Aunt Cindy take it? I mean even though she knows of the situation, would that make it any easier for her? I think the pain and torment of not knowing would be a far worse hell then knowing that they had passed on.

I got home to see that Gwen and Jonathon were waiting for me in the back yard. Ever since they met on New Year's Eve they were attached at the hip, and you never saw one without the other. I suddenly felt my own anger making itself known, why the hell didn't Gwen tell me anything? I was still William's girlfriend. Why the hell didn't anyone tell me anything? It was moments like this that made me want to say the hell with everyone, moments when I was left in the dark. How the hell could she keep it from me? She had to have known something, did she not notice him not at school, or her at my house? I slammed my car door and practically charged at them.

“What the hell Gwen!?” I had to stop a few feet away, I was afraid of what I might do if I got too close.

She had a startled expression on her face like she had no clue what I was talking about. “What?”

“Why didn't you tell me?” She could not have been that dumb.

“Tell you what? What the hell are you talking about?” I wanted to smack that puzzled  look off  both of their faces. “William! He is missing!” Rage was not a side of the new me that I liked, it was harder to control then the hunger. 

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