Chapter 17

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Twenty four hours had passed and I hadn't slept. Aunt Cindy checked in on me every few hours, but maintained her distance. I was exhausted, I couldn't sleep, but my eyes felt so heavy that I couldn't keep them open. The prescription the Doctor had given me barely worked; my fever was still at a sweltering and steady 105. Aunt Cindy was drawing me an ice bath when Dr. Harris had returned, but on this visit he wasn't alone. Aunt Cindy told me to get in the tub and she would be back up in a moment. I felt like I was on fire, I didn't stop to take off my clothes, I just submersed myself into the freezing water.

I had expected my senses to be disoriented from the illness that was taking over my body, but that wasn't the case. They were heightened to the their fullest limits, maybe even more. The faintest smells from downstairs, outside, from every where were so dominating, it was like they were right under my nose. I clearly heard the conversation going on downstairs between the doctor, Aunt Cindy and the third party.

“Cindy you have to let me see her!”

“Richard, I don't know if that is such a good idea right now. She is not in the best condition for something like this.”

“With all due respect, I think letting Richard see her is the best thing right now.” Dr. Harris was the only one whose tone was still calm.

The man they were calling Richard sounded so familiar. He sounded like my father. Maybe it was, after my dream and all this happening to me, and they cryptic conversations that Aunt Cindy had been having with the doctor, the diluted fantasy seemed like the only explanation. But was I ready to accept this? And if I did, how was suppose to explain it to people, or was I just supposed to keep it a secret and go into hiding? Then I thought about Marcus, why he was the first thing to come to my mind, I don't know. How would I tell him? Despite the up and down relationship we had, I cared what he thought. I was afraid of how he would react to me being this, this freak of nature. I wanted to cry, but I had no tears. I was starting to dehydrate. Suddenly the low conversation downstairs became a shouting match.

“God damn it Cindy, she is my daughter!”

“Don't you think I know that Richard! Can't you think about her for just one second! How is she going to take it, finding out her father didn't die seven years ago? It won't be easy on her, it is a lot for her to take in considering the hell she has already been put through these last few months!” I could only imagine Aunt Cindy was foaming at the mouth.

“I know that. Do you honestly think it was easy for me to have to walk away the way I did? For me not to be there watching my little girl grow up, or worse yet, me not being there when she lost her mother, when she needed me the most?” There was no more rage in my father's voice, only sorrow and pain.

“Look, it is not about what either of you think is right, or who has suffered more. It is about Ellie and what is best for her right now. And right now she needs someone who can explain things to her, someone who had dealt with this situation before, and I am sorry to say Cindy, but Richard is the only one who can help her.” Dr. Harris seemingly took control of the situation.

“I know, you are right.” Aunt Cindy let out a heavy sigh and walked into the kitchen in defeat.

“She is upstairs taking an ice bath.”

At this point, I felt my body temp go back to normal, or maybe even lower. I felt a surge of energy as I lifted myself out of the tub and went to my room to put on some dry clothes. I opened my bedroom door to meet our guests downstairs, but they were already on the top landing standing in front of the bathroom door. It seemed as though I hadn't even moved but I suddenly found myself standing beside them. I hugged my father and saw that both men had a puzzled look on their face.

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