Chapter 21

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The Story of Claudia and Carlo

“Another splendid spring morning!” Claudia rose from bed with a burst of energy.

“Honestly, sister, where do you find this motivation to start each day the way you do?” From across the room, a very bewildered Carlo, half-sat up in his bed.

“Oh, brother, if you wish to wake up refreshed, then maybe you should refrain from spending your evenings in the tavern. Nothing but hooligans and loose bar maids there.” She chuckled, and Carlo threw his pillow at her. She glided across the room and sat on the floor next to his bed.

“Carlo, can I speak to you about something? You must promise not to tell anyone.” Carlo nodded, she had his full attention. She always had his full attention. Claudia was the younger of the two, by almost ten minutes.

“I have been having awful dreams. These men come to me. I do not know them, but they seem familiar. They tell me tales of great power and wisdom.” Her eyes held fear and excitement; Carlo couldn't make out which was more prominent. “They told me of a secret chamber here in this house, but I think it would be silly of me to locate it. They are just dreams. Aren't they?” She was staring into his eyes, praying he wouldn't think she was insane.

“My dear sweet sister, if it would help you sleep well at night, I shall help you locate this chamber.” Carlo smiled at her and patted her head. He looked after her, trying to keep her out of harms way. They had a bond that could not be broken, no matter how crazy her ideas were.  The two dressed and went into the study, where Carlo knew their father had kept the drawings for the house, but what he found would only make Claudia's dreams seem even more real.

“Claudia, look. I have found our family tree. It goes back nearly two hundred years.” He opened a book and laid it flat on the smooth, marble desk. As Claudia gazed at their family's lineage, her eyes began to widen.

“That's a little strange.”

“What is it?” Carlo looked up at his sister.

“Well, these names here, Francesco, Paulo, and Lorenzo, those are the names of the men from my dreams.” As she looked closer at the names, underneath each one was the word “excommunicated”.

“They were exiled. Claudia, don't you remember, father told us about them? All of their wives and children died during birth and they damned the church. With our family's connection to the church, there was no other choice but to banish them. They were cursed.”

“I remember. That is so sad. Honestly, Carlo, I don't think I would have acted differently. How can a God that you devote you life to, take such a precious thing away? I would damn them too if God had taken everything away from me!” Claudia was very emotional at the thought of losing what she loved the most.

“Claudia! Don't let anyone else here you say that, or you will suffer the same fate.” Carlo snatched the book from her, furious.

“You would banish me, brother?” The tears started to pour from her eyes.

Carlo sighed, “ My beautiful sister, I could never. At least you can rest easy knowing you will not be exiled alone.” He hugged her and wiped away her tears. As Carlo picked up the book to place it back where he found it, he noticed a tear in the binding. Tucked inside were the original plans for the house, from the early 1400's.

“Look.” He whispered into her ear. There it was; the room that was not drawn on the other plans. The room that was hidden behind the back wall of the house, behind the bookshelves and the fire place. The secret chamber from Claudia's dreams.

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