Chapter 3

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The next two weeks followed the same pattern of restless nights and tension filled days. I hoped that Jasmine had worked something out with Nicole by now. I couldn't keep avoiding my friends. I didn't want to think about it. It was Monday morning and I had plenty to do to keep myself busy. I was going to school late today because mom had to be at work early and Aunt Cindy needed a ride to the airport. By the time I had made it to school, I was just in time for graphic arts with Jasmine. I could get a briefing on her status with Nicole before I was sideswiped with it all. I walked into the room and took my seat. Jasmine was sitting there with her head down on the desk.

"Hey Jasmine, you awake?" I nudged her elbow. When she picked her head up, I was horrified.

"Holy shit!! What happened to you?" I whispered, trying not to bring attention to us. Jasmine's right eye was swollen and bruised. It looked a few days old. Her lower lip was split open and puffy.

"Well, I got what was coming to me. I knew this was gonna happen. I couldn't take it anymore and against Jarred's wishes, I told Nicole about him and I. I guess she took it better than I had expected, though. I'm still alive, but she isn't speaking to either me nor Jarred. I feel like such an ass.” She narrowed her eyes at me. “And where the hell were you all weekend? I could have used some back up."

"I was doing family things, and I was avoiding Nicole because I knew that I would slip up and blurt everything out."

"Yeah, well great for you. Hope you had fun. Look, I just don't want to be bothered right now."

"Fine. Whatever, don't get mad at me like this is all my fault. You knew what would happen." Great. Just what I needed. Jasmine isn't speaking to me, which means neither will Jarred. And when Nicole gets a hold of me, I will never hear the end of it. Oh God. Does she know I knew and didn't say anything? Could it get any worse?

I made it to the end of the day with a knot in the pit of my stomach. I knew Nicole would be waiting for me at the car aware that she would give me an earful.

"Elsia, do you believe this shit? Jasmine told me the weekend that she's been dating Jarred for the last...."

"Six months." I cut her off. I think that might had made it worse. I suffered from the foot- in-mouth disease from time to time, and this moment was no exception.

I could literally see the anger rising in her. Her knees began to shake, her fists clenched together, her arms stiffened and her back straightened out. Her cheeks puffed, nostrils flared, eyes began to water, and crease lines formed in her forehead. Then, the rant began. "Tell me you didn't know! Tell me you didn't keep this from me? How long? It doesn't even matter. How could you not tell me? This is why you have been blowing me off. Not because of your aunt. You knew. I don't even know what to say to you. You wanna take her side? Fine. I am done with you. All of you. It's not like I won't adjust. But you? Yeah right. Good luck. Enjoy your solitude. I am so glad I am going to San Diego. "

And that was it. My best friend walked away from me without me trying to defend myself. And my two other friends weren't on speaking terms with me either.

Two weeks was all it took for the first of my four walls to come crashing down. I sank down into the driver's seat of my car and just sat there for what felt like hours. Once the parking lot was devoid of all life, I broke down and cried. I didn't understand how I got in the middle of this and why I was being punished for something I had no control over. I started the car to leave. I must have driven ten miles per hour the whole way home; by the time I got there the sun was setting.

Mom was waiting for me in the living room, but I didn't want her to see me. All I wanted to do was hide away in my room and lose myself in a melody.

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