Chapter 2

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Dream didn't know how long he had been drawing, all he knew that he's been doing it long enough to be at least decent. He mostly drew sapnap and George, occasionally trying to redraw some of there old memories together. He looked up from his book to find some more potatoes.

He got up and grabbed the potatoes. He was hungry but, he didn't feel like eating so the put them away in the chest.

~Meanwhile with the Smp~
Tommy held onto his disks like if he let go it would be the end of the world, that or a certain green boy would take them away.

"Hey Tommy?" Tubbo said looking over at his best friend.
"Yeah? You need something?"Tommy asked tubbo taking his concentration off of the disks.
"Do you ever wonder what dream is doing? Like- if he's going to try and escape? If if he's gonna get revenge of something like that." Tubbo asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Ha!" Tommy laughed "Sam built that prison with such determination and redstone i don't even thing that techno would be able to get out of there." There was a slight pause. "In one piece anyway."
"Yeah your right" Tubbo said turning his head back to the swarm of bees that had now gathered around the flowers he was holding.
"Where the hell did they come from!?" Tommy screamed only just realising that there were bees in the Smp.
~Back with drem~
Dream was hitting the wall. Be had been for the last half an hour. His arms were saw from moving and his knuckles were bleeding from hitting the obsidian. Even though it as obsidian he had managed to chip a small piece of obsidian off of the wall. He started at it.
He picked it up and rolled up his sleeves. He had done this before, but... would George really want this?


George was the one who put you in
the prison remember?

He doesn't want you here.

He doesn't want you at all.

That's what the little voice in his head told him, so he cut, and cut and cut.

~Timeskip brought to you by MT resort "Expensive but worth it!"~

It had been 4 months since dream had started cutting, but he didn't know that nor did anyone else. He had cut all up his arms, all down his legs and he had pretty much covered up his torso. A couple were infected but he didn't care. Nobody did.
Nobody ever will...

Bad had visited once or twice, sapnap had visited twice and Tommy stopped visiting after he found the disks. Hell even Sam didn't come to the prison anymore. He made an automated potato feeder so he didn't need to come anymore.

Dream was bored, he was lonely, bored and hungry. Well he thinks he's hungry he has two stacks of potatoes and he's started another. (I didn't work that out lol)  

He looked over at the dent he had made in the wall, he had managed to chip three prices of obsidian off and absolutely wreck his knuckles, one of his knuckles was horribly infected too. He looked around and his eyes instantly landed on the lectern he stood up and walked over to it he thought he could do some drawing, but then realized his knuckles were probably broken and infected. So he left that be.

He stood up from his current position and wanted over to the lava, he wondered if pepole would miss him...


Your the one that hurt them.

One step closer

Who would miss you?

Another step closer.

Who will care?

He was inches away from death.

Nobody will.

One more step.

Dream Tried To Swim In Lava

There was a glitch.
The notification didn't come up.
Nobody got the info.
Nobody knew Dream was dead.

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