Chapter 19

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Philzas Pov
Its been a day since we've found out that dream is... Dead. God, it feels so wrong to say those words (tbh it's weird for me to say god-). Dream is dead.

I sighed as I got out of bed it was still dark outside but I couldn't sleep, George and Sapnap thought that it would be a good idea to stay the night incase he flew off again and they couldn't get to him.
I was staying in the room next to Dream, George and Fundy.
At first I thought that it was kind of sus, but when I checked on them earlier I saw that they were just cuddling. Well that's what I saw-

Fundys pov
I couldn't sleep and apparently neither could Philza he has checked in on us twice but I don't think he knew I was awake because my eyes are practicing always closed.

Me and George had been cuddling dream since he couldn't get to sleep. Me and George did have different beds to sleep on ,since this was what seemed to be an abandoned hotel, but Dream couldn't sleep so we calmed him down.

He was always incredibly warm, not the boiling hot my skin is burning, the more comforting warmth, like the warmth I got off of the fire when I went to visit Wilbur.

It was nice. I looked over at George, he was sleeping peacefully, I did still have a grudge  against him for kissing Dream and ruining our wedding, now I'm not too shure if we're still fiance's or not. But, he did get along well with dream and dream does have a tendancy to flirt with the brown haired boy, I'm not too shure who dream loves, I don't think anyone is.

(To be honest I'm not too shure if this is gonna turn out to be a love triangle, because I did originally gonna be a dnf book but I don't want to leave Fundy  out and I doo kina shop them pleas e help should this be a dnf, Fundy X dream ir a live triangle.)

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