Chapter 7

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Sapnap Pov
Me and George appoched the prison, mabie it was the angle that we were looking at it, but... it looked really intimating.

As we were approaching the portal to the prison I would of sworn that I saw something swiftly leave, but I didn't think much of it.

~Time Skip Bought To You By Memory Foam~

Me and George had to work out the mechanisms of the prison by ourselves because there was no one there, I would if thought at least Sam would be there but apparently he has better things to do.

As we saw the lava drain Fromm where we stood it looked as if there was no one there- but there was no possible way for dream to get out



~Tine Skip Bought To You By Rennie Flakes~

George's Pov
Halfway across the lava lake I realized that sapnap looked extremely nervous.
"You ok sapnap?" I asked, I must of sounded nervous because he looked slightly shocked when he looked at me.
"Yeah. FiNe"
Sapnap's voice cracked. That was never a good sign.
I sighed and looked back at out goal.

Upon closer inspection I realized that the cell was empty. I my heart sank.
Where was dream?
Did he get out?
No, there's no way he could of gotten out .
Out alive?
No, I can't think about that.
Dream is smart. He probably just managed to find a flaw in the prisons structure and escape using that.

As soon as the cart (Yes that's what I'm calling it.) stopped me and sapnap got off and looked for dream.

When we got to a cell we realized how hard it must of been for dream to live here, there was nothing there.
There was a chest, a lecturn with a book on it, and a empty item frame.

But the biggest shock of all was the back of the cell, there was a small dent in it. It was covered in blood and there was a couple of bloody peaces of obsidian on the floor.

I gasped sapnap looked like he was about to cry. We both thought the worst.
"He wouldn't... would he...?" I whispered softly.
Sapnap just put his hand on my shoulder.

We both states eachother dead in the eye.


Is dream...



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