Chapter 20

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3rd person pov
It was a warm-ish day but it was still warm enough to dry laundry. Phil was sat with Ghostbur and Sapnap drinking some coffee. Ghostbur had a chocolate milkshake though.

Dream, Fundy and George were still fast asleep. It took Fundy a while but in the end he did manage to get to sleep at some point. They were still cuddling, apart from George. He was legit about to fall off of the bed.

George's pov
Ow. I had rolled off of the bed.
I looked up at the still sound asleep Dream and Fundy. I have no idea how Dream slept with his mask on, wouldn't it be uncomfortable?

Pushing that from my main center of focus.(I wrote that as Ranboo said focused-) I looked over at Fundy. He looked extremely peaceful, his orange fur practically shone in the sunlight. He was only wearing his wight t-shirt and some black ripped jeans. Dream was still wearing his now oversized hoodie on his skinny frame, and a pair of shorts. They showed off the old bandages that had somehow been wrapped around his legs, but even then you could still see the extremely deep and infected cuts all down his legs, they only stopped at the very bottom of his ankles. I probably looked like a creep watching them sleep and looking at dreams tatters up legs. (By the way I didn't know how to put this into the story but the doo-vey (I can't spell lmao) had fallen off.)

I walked over to the table and chairs that were in the room and out my blue jumper on. I slipped on some yellow-y slippers and walked downstairs.

~Timeskip brought to you by  Ranboos stream "Let's go. Let's go."~

Fundys pov
I was greeted by the glint of the sun shining on my eyes through the blinds. I was hugging- no spooning? Something warm. I opened, well did my equivalent of opening my eyes, and looked down at what I was spooning. It was a ghost Dream, I could feel myself blushing slightly under my fur. Yeah we were fiance's at one point but I never got to do the fluffy sort of stuff that normal couples do because of the wars and stuff.

I couldn't help but smile at his cute that he was. With it without the mask, he's still cute. I tried toe get up but was pulled back down by a now slightly sad looking dream.

"Saty..." Dream whispered.
"You mean stay?" I asked.
"Mhm..." He grunted in response.
I smiled and layed back down.

I looked over at dream and found that he was now looking at me.
I slightly squeaked.
"Sorry... Did I scare you?" Dream asked.
"Nononono... Its fine." I reassured him.


Thus chapter was fluffy I think 😂 also drem XD will be introduced at some point I made a design and everything

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Thus chapter was fluffy I think 😂 also drem XD will be introduced at some point I made a design and everything.)

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