Chapter 13

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(I think this is chapter 12)

~Time skip brought to you by Alastor~

Dreams Pov

After the fire was put out they told me there names. The one with the wings was called Philza or Phil for short, the other ghost was called Ghostbur and his sheep was called Friend, the cute one was called George and the one with the bandanna was called Sapmap I think i couldn't quote hear him when he said it and i didn't want to be rude and ask him again, and upset him. I don't like upsetting people.

At the moment George, Sapmap and Philza are chatting about something, I'm not too Shure what there talking about though, it would be rude to interrupt i didn't want to be rude It made people sad.

Me and Ghostbur were currently making flower crowns while Friend slept with Rocky. "So, your names Dream right?" Ghostbur asked breaking the comfortable silence. I nodded in response. "..." Ghostbur thought about what he would say next. "You don't talk much do you?" Ghostbur continued. "Can you speak?" I nodded in response to that. "Can you speak for me... please?"

I looked up from my blue and green flower crown i was making, I thought for a minute. "I choose not to speak because i don't think that people can understand me, I think that it comes out glitched."

(By the way people hear him in windings like people hear Gaster in Undertale)

Ghostbur blinked a couple of times. "Excuse me...what?" He asked looking confused. I repeated what i had said. He still looked confused. I looked back down and continued my flower crowns, I had made one for myself, but i had accidentally burnt a couple of my flowers, i was going to give the one i was currently making one for George. I liked George, he was nice to me, I blushed under the mask slightly. I shook it off, i had made another flower crown for Sapmap as well, i home they like them! Me and Ghostbur had traded flower necklaces. I was also going to make a flower necklace for Philza, Ghostbur had made a flower crown to him since he was his dad.

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