Chapter 10

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idk what pov this is, i think it might be 3rd person Pov

He didn't like it.

The next thing Dream knew he was in a large room. The room wasn't decorated much, it was mostly obsidian and quartz but it was very secure as he looked around he saw two people about to leave the room, Dream didn't see this as a good sign, because he would be all alone. He didn't like being alone, it made him sad.

"Wait!!Please...I don't want to be alone..." Dream shouted although the last bit was more of a whisper. The one with black hair and a white t-shirt. he elbowed the one in the blue shirt. He brighten up at this., they had noticed him. plus it was the man in the blue shirt earlier, he was cute but he couldn't get too ahead of himself. They could want him dead.

The one in the blue shirt turned around. Once he layed eyes on dream he looked like he had seen a ghost. He grabbed the other mans shirt and turned him round quite forcefully by the looks of it. He ran over immediately after the one in the white shirt had turned around. Dream put his hand over his face preparing for a blow that never came. Instead the boy in the blue shirt wrapped his arms around his waist in a welcoming hug.

Dream felt that he meant no harm, so he hugged back. He felt safe it felt familiar. He blushed a light tint of blue ant the hug but you couldn't tell because f the mask. He looked up to see the man in the white shirt still stood there in shock. He held his free arm out, instantly becoming cold from the lack of warmth coming from the boy. The man in the white shirt ran over and broke down crying.Something buzzed a couple of times but they ignored it not wanting to leave each others warmth, well mostly dreams warmth since he was warmer that most things he had found.

They felt safe in each others arms.

They were warm.

They were happy.

(Sorry i don't have a picture for this chapter I'm still writhing this on a laptop lmao)

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