Chapter 3

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#-€π[ bolted upright."H£/[o?" He glitched.
Why couldn't he speak? He felt his throat. It was there but there was what seemed to be cracks in it. But, would cracking cause glitching? He looked around his surroundings.

He was in a small dark room, there was a chest, a picture frame with a potato in it and a lecturn he walked over to the potato and picked it up.

As soon as he held the potato it boiled and became a backed potato. He looked down and the perfectly baked potato. He gripped it harder, and it burnt. He squeezed it until it was hard enough to be a rock and he put it in his pocket.

He looked down at his hands to see why they hurt and found they were bleeding.
He looked around to see if there was anything he could use to block the bleeding when he realised that there was a huge wall of lava. (Yes he only just realized that =_=) 

He approached the lava when he noticed a small plastic mask on the floor, he didn't know why but he felt attached to it in someway so he picked it up and put it on.

He faced the lava and held his breath.

He wasn't too shure if this would work and he wasn't too shure why he was doing it but he shure as hell wasn't turning back now.

He stepped into the lava and opens his eyes, instead of burning it was just like swimming he swam to the other side just like you or I would in a swimming pool.

When he reached the other side he wiped some of the lava from his face, and looked around. There wasn't much there... but he continued to explore anyway.

Sorry I used he so much!
But thank you for reading!

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