Chapter 18

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~Timeskip brought to you by how to train your dragon one of my favourite things-~
3rd person pov
"So, are we going to tell the others?" Tommy asked.
They thought that it would be a good idea to call Tommy over since he knew and was probably confused.
"Not yet..." There was a slight pause. Sapnap thought about his next words carefully. "I think we should probably tell Fundy, since the two had a love-hate-freindzone relationship-marrage-thing." Sapnap told the others.
Phil, George and Tommy nodded in response and agreement.
"So... We shod probably try and contact Fundy" George pointed out.
"Yeah." Phil got his phone out. "How should I get him over here?"
They shrugged. "Just spam him until he gets here." George gave him a look that clearly said: "Wtf-"
Philza sighed

Hey Fundy
Phil? Is something wrong with Wilbur?
Does he want me to come over?
Then what is it then?
Its about Dream.
What about dream?
We need you to come over you'll see when you get here.
Send me the coords.
Were at *Insert Coardanates*
*Fundy is typing...*

Phil out his phone away before Fundy could reply."Is he coming?", Sapnap asked the winged man.
"Yeah. I sent him the coords." Phil looked over to were dream and Ghostbur were sat. *Coughs* was sat.
"Where's Ghostbur and Dream?" Phil asked bringing the absence of the ghosts to the surface.
A look of panic struck George. "DREAM?!" He yelled his voice coated in worry.

Dreams Pov
I was sat down upstairs with Ghostbur, just having a one sided conversation about blue, rocky and freind and eventually asking about why I glow orange.

Ghostbur was just blabbing on about blue and his son I believe was called Frundy? I didn't want to bother him so I didn't look into the subject too much.

Then, I heard George calling for me Ghostbur heard this too so he nodded and told me that I could go. He turned around and continued to play with Rocky and Freind.

I went downstairs and saw what appeared to be a furry? I appoched the furry and upon closer inspection did in fact have it's eyes closed. "Hello?" I more of asked him.
"Hi..." The furry fox man replyed. "I'm Fundy." He looked kind of sad as he told me this.
"Hi! I'm Dream! At least thats what I've been told... Anyway, are you Frundy?" I asked him completely ignoring the fact that he could understand me.
"Its Fundy-" he told me
"Imdosorryfundyithoifjttharthatwaswhatwilburhadtildmeimsosossosorry." I told him... Probably a little too fast for him to understand.
"All i head from that was I'm sorry- but its ok." He told me with a sad, but yet happy smile dancing on his lips.

"You can understand him...?" Sapmap asked in shock.

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