Chapter 9

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Tommy's Pov
"Cmon Tommy we need more exp!"
Tubbo told me for the millionth time.
"Yeah but we have better things to do!"
I argued back.
"Tommy. You have legit 2exp. You can't even name *Language*."
"Fair point."

Dreams? Pov
It seems like I've been stuck here forever. I almost burnt my potato out of frustration twice and considered eating it once but then later realized that it's basically a rock.

There wasn't much to look at or do considering my current situation, although there was a load of spiders in a very small place, they looked like they were stuck there, I figured that once I get out of my current situation I would let them out and roam free.

3rd person pov
There was a loud scream from Tommy as soon as Dream came into view but, instead of landing on him he went straight through him and went crack on his obsidian legs. He managed to survive on half a heart.

But poor Dream was traumatized, this child gremlin just passed through him and probably broke his legs on his legs. Not a single word in the dictionary could describe the look of shock and worry on his face.

Tommy on the other hand was confused, what did I just land on? Who the *language* was that? Holy *language* did I just pass through ghostbur? Omfg- Phil's gonna kill me-

But upon closer inspection Tommy realized that it wasn't ghostbur, it was in fact Dream. Well, it looked like him anyway.

(This is what Dream(?) Looked like normally)

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(This is what Dream(?) Looked like normally)

(This is what Dream(?) Looked like normally)

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(This is what he was doing in the lava-)

"Tommy? Are you ok?!"
Tubbo yelled down the hole.
"YEAH! DON'T COME DOWN!" Tommy yelled in reply.
"Why?!" Tubbo yelled.
"*Language*OFF!" Tommy screamed.

Tommy looked back at dream. He was looking down at his hands. He was still shaken by the fact that a gremlin just passed through him and broke his legs in his legs.

Tommy debated his options.
"Dream?" There was a slight pause.
"Ho-what are you doing here? How did you get out of the prison? Why do you look like ghostbur?Why are your legs obsidian? Why do you have wings?
Why is there lava coming from your mask? Why are you holding... a potato???"
Dream, as he knew what his name was now, could only awnser the last one.

"His name is George, he is my rocky potato!" Dream replyed in a happy tone.
Tommy however did not understand any of what dream just said. Because it came out all glitched.

But that did not awnser any of his questions, nor did it satisfy his curiosity. However he did know that that would probably all he was gonna get from the ghost. Well he presumed he was a ghost, because not only had he been able to go through him, his legs were obsidian and he was slightly see through.

Tommy sighed. Dream slightly flinched, considering the situation they were in right now it was no wonder he was scared.

Dream pov
The child gremlin seemed angry at me, had I done something wrong? Was he going to hurt me? I flinched. He looked slightly confused at that, mabie he was nice,  or mabie he was faking it.
You didn't even know your own name.
Who would like someone who doesn't even know there own name?

Tommys Pov

(Btw i just switched to laptop so I'm now writhing this on a laptop listening to lord of the wrings and my cat snoring lmao)
Dream looked scared, he also looked sad. This was definitely not the dream i knew, did he have some sort of dead twin brother that i didn't know about? I looked over at the flinching ghost. Maybe i shouldn't of flooded him with questions, plus i don't think that he can speak English either.

"Are you stuck?" I asked the ghost while looking down at what appeared to be obsidian legs.

He nodded. I pulled out my communicator and contacted George.

HEY *language*

Yes Tommy?


Wait what?



his legs are obsidian dumb*language*



Where are you and please stop using caps.



*GeorgeNotFound Left the chat*

*GeorgeNotFound Blocked this user*

3rd Person Pov


Tommy yelled at his phone.

Dream didn't like yelling.

He didn't like the light.

He didn't like not being able to see the blue guy.

He didn't like being stuck.

He didn't like it.

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