Chapter 25

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3rd person pov
Dream was just lying there. Not breathing, not moving and his heart wasn't beating. But that was normal for a ghost like Dream.
"So is anybody going to tell me what the *language* just happened...?" Sapnap whisper shouted.
"I,I don't know." Fundy splurted out.

After the shuck faded away George walled over do dream say next to him and put his head on his lap.
"Is he ...ok?" Phil asked unsure if he should be near dream after what just happened.
"Yeah, I think so. He is still here so he's not gonna dissapear. But is anybody going to mention how he practically inspected us?" George replyed not stopping combing the ghosts hair with his fingers.
"You gonna wake him up?" Sapnap asked.
"I think we should proba-" Phil started
"Yes. Wake him up George." Fundy told them, his words ever so slightly laced with venom.

George shook dream awake. Dream shot up awake and looked around, seemingly scared of something.
"Woah dream calm down." Phil kindly usher to the ghost.
Dream looked at Phil, calmed ever so slightly.
"So," Phil continued "Can you tell us what you remember? Please?" Phil asked the ghost as he gave him a old tattered book.
He handed dream the book and a pen. (Yes Biros egsist deal with it.)  Dream flipped to a random page and began to scribble down what he remembers, leaning into George as he did so.

~time skip brought to you by my dread of bridesmaid dresses~ (srsly tho- HELP ME)

Dream had just finished scribbling down what he remembers, he had given it to Fundy since George was asleep and he couldn't find Phil, Ghostbur or sapnap and he didn't want to leave the room to be a bother.
"Oh dream...." Fundy sadly said as he looked back up at dream. Fundy reached out to dream, he flinched at first but he knew that he could trust him so he leaned into the touch.

Fundys pov
Poor dream... He had just given me his book and now I'm cradling his face in my hand... God I've never felt so gay-

He seemed to relax into the touch after a little bit and when I removed hand it felt cold, already missing the warmth of the lava ghost.
We held what could of been eye contact for skittle bit but I couldn't tell because he still had his mask on. My hand ached to reach out and take off his mask and see what could be there, what layed under the makes that had been though so much...

3rd person pov
Fundy was snapped out of his thoughts as Sapnap came running down the stairs startling George awake.
"So? Has he done it?" He asked exited to see what his ex-best-freind remembered of him. Fundy simply nodded in response.

As if on queue Philza came down the stairs, Fundy opened the book and almost started crying by the thought of what he remembered. But he pushed those thoughts aside and began to read.

What I remember :)
An angry gremlin????
Golden Pig
Calling for help
Being forgo__-_

(The dashes are where he's stared to cry but accidentally burnt the page)

Fundy and George were both now trying not to cry, Ghostbur was hugging dream and Sapnap and Phil felt bad for what they had done to him.

"Hey... At least he *sniff* remembers you..." George said in-between sniffs and sobs. Dream hugged him on response to his tears.
"I do remember you slightly, you and Sapmap" Dream tried to comfort the slightly shorter male, but failed since Fundy was too sad to translate and George didn't understand him.

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